Page 357 - chs-1995
P. 357
1(ristoplier Patrict tiJanie/S
f can't 6duvt you art a swior. ft
sums C&:! yutwlay wt wtrt running arouna
You were the first of two greatest gifts from God Ofl!Jravating tatfi otfur. f kJtow .f gtt on !fO~r
Krls, ntrvts a wt, antl you gtt on mJJU. 'Tflat s
Be honest, that I will ever receive. As I look back over the last 17 wfwt (ittu sisters antl 6ig artj;or.
Be true, years • years that passed too fast • they have been years r wisft you tfu 6ut lift lias to offu. am
listen ond leorn, of complete joy and happiness. You've become a going tO misS !JOU wfun you Uatlt {or cofUgt
ant{ start makjng a ntw uft. (1( afways
Rnd my son, rtmtm6u tfu timts wt fulvt sfulrta
11 mon you will be. wonderful young man. I am so proud of your togttfv.r, gooa antl6tuf. ']'riuuls will'"""-
loue, accomplishments both in school and in your daily life. ana go ana timts will dw"iJt 6ut flit will
afwa!P 6t sisttr ana 6rot!Ur. f wvt you!
Doddy Just remember, as you step into this big old world, keep Congratulations!!
your values the same, keep God in your life and always ;Uwoys,
learn from your mistakes and successes.
I love you,