Page 358 - chs-1995
P. 358
C! #olll1
1 c&.n't beleve you're sra.dua.tins
a.lrea.dy. I &.m so proud of youl You know
tha.t the two you been in
my lfe been wonderfu~ No ma.tter
wha.t ha.ppens to us in the future you wl
e.Jwa.ys be In my he&.Yt a.nd I wRI &.lwa.ys love
For so long I hoped and prayed for a some-
one who would bnng light tnto my life. and put a
smile on my face From the moment I sow your
btg brown eyes. perfect hotr, and adorable
smole. I knew God hod answered my prayers
You entered my path when I needed you more
than ever You've not only affected my life. but
you've come 1nto my family and mode your
own place 1n all of our hearts You mean so
much to me and hove gtven me confidence
and hope that tomorrow w111 be bnght and
beouttful and together or aport we'll always be
the best of fnends May God bless you 1n every-
thtng you do and may all your dreams come
true I LOVE YOU! I!
Your angel.