Page 359 - chs-1995
P. 359
Two Young Black Women Striuing
For Success ...
Amy Denise Jones: We houe mode it! Not only Roshondo Wollece Jones: The time hos finally
houe we accomplished our first goal in life, but come for us. We houe been through so much
we'ue accomplished it together. I feel more together ond still remained to be the best of
than blessed that the lord hos giuen me o true friends. I l<now I don't tell you what you mean
friend. You ore o second sister, you were there to me enough, but you ore one of the most
when I hod no one else. You'ue showed the important people in my life. Through oil the
world the true meaning of "friend." In you I hard times l'ue faced in my life you'ue olwoys
find o second self. St. Francis de Soles once been by my side wheneuer I needed someone
said, "friendships begun in this world con be to toll< to, shore my secrets with ond o
token up ogoin in heouen, neuer to be broken shoulder to cry on or just on encouraging word
off." Gee, let's proue him right! you were olwoys there for me. Wollece God
loue Yo, hos blessed me with so many gifts, but your
Wollece friendship is the one I hold closest.
loue Yo,
There's o "Miracle coiled Friendship"
that dwells within the heart, ond
you don't l<now how it happens
or when it gets its starts .•.
But the happiness it brings you
olwoys giues o special lift,
And you realize that "Friendship"
is God's most precious gift.
And Nothing Less