Page 15 - chs-1996
P. 15

~Lx,  0ut  VJot  wd.x~d                   up ...

                                                   $£;N<JO\R$ f
                              The.  time. has come.,  Stniors, and this part of our live.s  is  ove.r.  It is  time.  for us to
                       move.  on  into a ne-w stage. of life..  lnsuad of te-aching  the. le.ssons  and  thtn giving usts, it
                       give.s ttsts first and ltave.s us to figure. the.  le-ssons  out laW. The. purple. and  gold  hallways,
                       lig« foot-Vall  game-s,  parl<ing  de.cals,  pep  rallie.s,  Home.coming  compe.tion,  and  many  oth«
                       activitie-s that are. routine. to us, will  soon be.come. fond  me.morie.s.
                             We.  will  separate. and  cnau our future.s,  future-s  that starttd with  the. dire.ction  we.
                       took from our and  me-ntors h«t at CHS.  Many of us will  travel the. world,  or go  to
               Othtrs may se-ttle. do'WT'l  and have. familie.s, or go  straight into the. worl<  force..  But no
                       matt« what we.  do,  we.  will  all  have. the.  mtmorie.s to take. us back to  the. ytars in  which  we.
                       grtw, and  whtn we.  first had to  try to  Itt go  of what we.  W«t accustomtd to. We. have. bttn
                       ltd through 12 ye-ars  of prtparation for the. nal world.  Now our time. has come. for us to live.
                       as  we.  ntv« have.  be-fore..  It is  time. to be.come. indeptndtnt, to  show ourselve-s  as  we.  nally
                       are..  But as for now, we. will  stttlt for bting the.  Class of 1996, a class that has gone. through
                       12 ytars of worl<, fun time-s, pain, laught«, and uars, a class that is preparing for short walk
                       across a platform to a pie.ce. of pap« that will change. our live.s  fortv«.
                             Whtn  we.  walk  away from  the.  stadium  aft« graduation,  we.  will  ntv«  re-turn  as
                       Stniors again.  Good luck bt stnt to us, Class of 1996, wt know we. it!

                       tog•Uwr  in  tn•
                       dim  purpl•  and
                       gold   hallway
                       ~.twun c;IU$",
                       Sh.Uy  Sp•al'$,
                       Shana ~xand4r,
                       and ComN  GIUY1
                       tak•  a  (\Uic;k
                       mom•nt   to
                       r•ft"t  on  t.n•
                       put  <4  y•al'$,
                      1hW fMldship 1$
                       tn•  ~"t thing
                      tnat  tn•y  hav•
                      •;~  at

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