Page 11 - chs-1996
P. 11
• •
&rad c~ws and
Chris Cannon
shoot th•
j)ruu for a f•w ~~ ~i.x tn th~ ~~~tn<\j'
minuk$ j)•for•
giong to class.
Nij)lack middl• lh~ Class of 1996 has always bun special. from pr~chool through our
school was tM
plac• that school carurs w~ hav~ ovuco m~ th~ odds and shown our unity. Through
uniUd StudUlt;$ tl~mMt.ary schools, middl~ school, and th~ past. four y~ars, w~ hav~ got.t.M
from th•
diff«Ult t.o know ~ach oth«. EvM thM, th~ mix was in formation.
schools. lh~ y~ars that. hav~ pass~ hav~ brought. us all much clos«
t.og~th«, b~ it. in our individual class~s or ~vm as a wholt. Back whM w~
w«~ just. "'kids .. , w~ hardly thought. how clos~ w~ could b~ t.o th~ md, but.
now that. it's h«~, so m~ of us may wish w~ w«~ back at. th~ b~inning. w~
hav~ finally mad~ it. t.o th~ Md of this road. Although th~ n~xt. road w~ t.ak~
may l~ad us in all stparau directions, w~ can look back at. th~ old ti m~s
and r~m~mb« how th~~ t.wtlv~ y~ars t.og~th« hav~ mad~ us who w~ ar~
and will be-co mt.
ptc;t.urf, as tMy
1M ~ $Chool had good and $f>aci<lu$ facii~ . .Jak• wo~Ac~now.
and R,yan eoom haw plulty of room to fool around. ~Ev-tt,
Shalimar t.4unro,
and l<.lllyGicnn
show their '9&
pr1<U way j)ack
at Eastside.
At th• ninth grad• ccnw, waiting for a rid• hom• is a good tim• 1M Class of 1997 pri<Us tn.n!S41v.s on thW fri4ndship j)onds, s«lS• of s~. and lov• of PcpsL t.4id<l• school
to hang out \11th friUlds. Rtgina Evans and Jason '96 was • tirM ~ w~ ma<U i'riUld$,
laugh it'-" for a ft-w minuUs.
Introduction 5