Page 13 - chs-1996
P. 13

fo~ around  in
                                             th•  pool  is  thf
                                             l>~t part of s\11m
                                             uam  practice.
                                             April  Deland  and
                                             'Mliwy ...bhnson
                                             splash  around
                                             l>•twun laps.

                                                           Going to  the.  Suwanu Rlv« Jam  was  first class  for many of our country  fans.  Lucky
                                                           Sophomore. H.ath« Gill:>r.ath rc.c;  a hug from  country star,  frac;y  La~Wc.ncc. aft«
                                                           his  p«formance.

                                                                                                      Good frimds  a.-.
                                                                                                      hard to com• l>y,
                                                                                                      l>ut  not   for
                                                                                                      S4niors  erookt
      ~ Seniority shows through  in thf taus of Daphula W.ston, fr«<r.ssa Cook, and                   efCUnj)augh  and
      fam!TU Marshall. fh.s• gins ar• good •xampl.s of tn• supuior tw.s of p~pl• in                   Dfltnna  Dicks.
      tn. class of 1900.
                                                                                                      fhw fri~ship i$
                                                                                                      a spcaal  orw.

                                                                                                      fh•   fritndship
                                                                                                      flg.rtths  and
                                                                                                      ch..n.adfi'S   is
                                                                                                      as  strong  as  any
                                                                                                      oth.r.   5fniors
                                                                                                      Moni<:a  erady  and
                                                                                                      £dithia  .Jackson
      A~ a hard  day at school  and  voll•~al practic;f,  Sophomor•  Candac•  K4y,                    hang  out  in  th•
      Senior 8randi &ro\Wl, and ...llnior Kelly elanton rjvt  a rcliwfd  smilf that Ulls how          jungl•  during  a
      ~d tn.y a.-. tnt th')' can ilnally go ho ITifo                                                  fooU>alganM..

                                                                                                          Introduction  7
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