Page 182 - chs-1996
P. 182

fh~       Varsity
        Ch~~rl~ad~rs   w~nt.  t.o
       summ~r camp  this  y~ar
       August.  2-5     at.   t.h~
        Unive-rsity  of  florida.  Th~
       squad     r~c~iv~d    fiv~
       sup«iors and  on~ ~xc~IIMt.
       rating.  Th~y co mp~Ud in
       chant., chur, and pom-pom
       dane~  cat.~gori~s,  and
       r"~v~ a first. plac~ trophy
       in  ~ach. Th~ squad  show~
       th~r t.aiMt.  this  past. y~ar
       at.   football    gam~s,
       bask~t.ball  ga m~s,  and
        various     com munit.y

      former  ColumPia  Hi9h  Chun4-ad«  Dtnis4-  1995 Var5ity C~. front ~w: ~randi ~~~. Sal:>ma  E$U.S,  Lit>ra .JirMS.  ~ond ~w: RM>•ah f'k.rbtt, Kristy .Jackson, Ka~
      ~ryant ~tum4d this  y4-ar  as  th4- squad   fompkins, Soi!Mr ff.ol:>ns, ...Its sica Hams, ~~y Odom, fwala Di)(Df1,  1hir'd ~w: .Jina Grifm, na ..Jackon, O<Mssa  ~ryant. ~a Jackson, SUsar1
      sponsor.                    friv4-tU.  Not pi<;tl.nd, Sat>ra  f~man

             s.nior Katw fompkins

                                     1h4- c;hunc.adcrs show thfir f'.g« prid4- at  th4- Hom~orninl! p~y PY singing tn. Alma   ·oooHr You look $0 ~tty,• said Sal:>nl
            Senior Captain  ~~kyOdom   t.4atcr.                                               for•man to Od.ssa eryant.
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