Page 186 - chs-1996
P. 186

Th~  1995-96  J.V.
             Chur1~adus had  a  good  y~ar
            this  y~ar.  During  th~ sum m«
            th~ girls  w~t to  th~ National
             Ch~~rl~ading  Association
            (NCA) at fSU and  l~am~ n~w
            ch~, chants,  and  danc~s.
            Not  only  did  th~y l~am n~w
            ch~ .,ut comp~~ against
            schools all around Aorida.  Th~y
            r"i~v~ many awards  plus  th~
            spirit stick. All this gav~ th~m a
            good attitud~ to start th~ y~ar
            off with.

                                             Front row:  erandi  Ev-tu, l<immy fompkins,  8ridg~tu Ev-tu, ...¥$$i<;a  Powus.  ~ row:  Kyana  O'Nci, .Janna
                                             8ailcy, erookl ~man, Nikki Smith,  ¥1cki  Thomton,  linds~y H. furd row:  Ap1)41  W~t, Mali  Hin~. Lind$U Skinn.r,
                                             Erin  Shi't1u', ~~ Koln~, 8ianc:a Washrlgton, Angda Eadi(..

           .Janna  ea~~y and  erook~  Shuman  know  tn~
           m~ of~ friend$~.

                                             Evm in ~rain, Angela  Ead~ can't hid~ h«
                                             nGER PRII?E.

            Mali  Hin~ en~ on hu c:las$ dur'rlg a p~ raly •

                                                                           ...¥$si<;a  Powus  trust h«' $'lLJad  m~ml>us not to  drop  h« ..nil• $M
                                                                           c:hurs thf ..JI'figus on

                                             fh~ Jl Chun"dus  parti<:ipau in  many
                                             fUneUon$  tNoughout  tn•  yur,  Wk~  tn•
                                             Hom.c:oming Parad-.

            Durir1g half tJm• ~ ..N Chun~us tak~ tJm. to
           pou fOf'  ~ c:arMra.
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