Page 179 - chs-1996
P. 179
fht. t. ~" startt.d off
with an all nt.w look . First coach,
Clwn Fowler has taught tht. ua m nt.w
2/27 Santa-Ft. straU-<_3it.s to he.lp build up t.nduranct.
f'.K Young and musclt.s. fhis will givt. tht. ability
Nt.wlnrry to run faster and strongtr. fhty
practict. drills tvtryday to htlp
3/21 Bucholz
pt.rformanct. . Coach Fowltr has
Madison Co. Coach Davis to he.lp as an assistant.
4/16 Suwannu Coach Fowltr htlps tht. boys and
Hamilton Coach Davis he.lps tht. girls. Tht uam
hopts to bt a forct. in tht 6-A lint up
Union Co.
in District. Tht.y host«! a succtssful
track mut at tht. ntw stadium tarly in
tht. stason. Although a building ytar,
tht tta m madt. a hard run against
traditional winntrs at Eastsidt and
'fakt.ydra RoPinson catcht.S h«Stlf a fUr h« long j.Jmp.
Coach fo\1.4« cht<;ks tht. mt.asurt.m«~ts
on D~ya Ar1int.'s lo~ jump.
front Row lt.ft to ~ght:'f)l<t.dra RDPinson, Amanda McKu, Nikki Smith, Dt.andra ~ly.6ack Row: K«~yattav.lliams, 1St plaC4o on h« mind l<alyt.tta Wolia ms awaits for tht.
Amt.ia Parndl, Miriam 'Might, Dt.dnya Ar1int..
st.arti~ gun