Page 360 - chs-1996
P. 360
9\[jco{e Sliejfie{cf
'We({, you fino££y 11UUI.t it after af1 tfwse yuus
fum{ wort I am very proua of you. I fwpe you acc1mwlisll
af1 of tfu goals in your fife, wliicfi I'm sure you wilL I
fwpt tliat our refatUm.sfiip fives to su many yuus
liappiness. I want to tfiankyou for staruling 6esuu
tfirougfi tfie years aru£ for af1 tfie sacrifices you fuu£
~for me. I wisfi you tfu 6est of fuck tfirougfiout
fife. I f..O'VE YO'U tJ3:Jt'J3Y!
Jason Lang
Brett Crews and Ryan Boone
Brett. Ryan,
1\000oAd ~ketoc:ongn~~Aaeyou oolll fust of all, I wood hke to congratulate
)'OUI~you- you on all your accomplishments and
lhrouoh lhe yon. 1 ,_ lhOUQhl 1 WISh you the best o( luck In everything
W<lOAdlncl.,..,.tomoklmoa"- yet to come. Keep your head up and
• you do. Yoo cooonue \0 ~maze me remember what your first pnonly 1s. Most
Nanthlworidk)me I 'Wshyouthe ol all, I would hke to thank you for the
t.l <I luck "' ,. INI you do n... lor past two years of great memones and
.. lho......,..ondOOO<Io-lhosposi good ~mes Yoo are truly a g1ft from God
)U'ondohallllMYOIII and hold a spec1al place 1n my heart. I
LM ft>ys, will always love you no matter what
8mdo Dnels
happens between us. You mean lhe
world to me and nobody could ever
replace you. liM you.
LM always,