Page 360 - chs-1996
P. 360

9\[jco{e Sliejfie{cf

                                                                                      'We({, you fino££y 11UUI.t it after af1 tfwse yuus
                                                                               fum{ wort I am very proua of you. I fwpe you acc1mwlisll
                                                                               af1 of tfu goals in your fife,  wliicfi I'm sure you wilL I
                                                                               fwpt  tliat our refatUm.sfiip  fives  to su many yuus
                                                                               liappiness.  I want  to  tfiankyou for staruling 6esuu
                                                                               tfirougfi  tfie years  aru£ for af1 tfie sacrifices  you  fuu£
                                                                               ~for me.  I wisfi you tfu 6est of fuck tfirougfiout
                                                                               fife.  I f..O'VE YO'U tJ3:Jt'J3Y!
                                                                                                 Jason Lang

                                 Brett Crews and Ryan Boone

                                             Brett.                                                Ryan,
                                              1\000oAd  ~ketoc:ongn~~Aaeyou oolll                   fust of all,  I wood hke to congratulate
                                             )'OUI~you-­                                          you  on  all  your  accomplishments  and
                                             lhrouoh  lhe  yon.  1 ,_ lhOUQhl  1                  WISh  you  the  best  o( luck  In  everything
                                             W<lOAdlncl.,..,.tomoklmoa"-                          yet  to  come.  Keep  your  head  up  and
                                             •  you  do.  Yoo  cooonue  \0  ~maze me              remember what your first pnonly 1s.  Most
                                             Nanthlworidk)me  I 'Wshyouthe                        ol  all,  I would  hke  to  thank  you  for the
                                             t.l <I luck "' ,. INI you do  n...  lor              past  two  years  of  great  memones  and
                                             .. lho......,..ondOOO<Io-lhosposi                    good  ~mes Yoo are truly a g1ft from God
                                             )U'ondohallllMYOIII                                  and  hold  a spec1al  place  1n  my  heart. I
                                                   LM ft>ys,                                      will  always  love  you  no  matter  what
                                                   8mdo Dnels
                                                                                                  happens  between  us. You  mean  lhe
                                                                                                  world  to  me  and  nobody  could  ever
                                                                                                  replace you. liM you.
                                                                                                          LM always,

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