Page 365 - chs-1996
P. 365

Sarah  Elizabeth  Kelly                                                           Heather  Lorraine  Sauls

       Back  in  lite  first  grade  would  we  lurot  tver  expected                   II all started back at  Summers, lite two of II.S  lt1lmtd wp to
     litis?  Through  the  past  12  years  we  haw sltartd  all  kinds                be  two  of the  biggest  troublemakers  and  closest  {ru:nds  1n
     o( memorWi and goOd  &  bad  times.  We  luroe stuck togtlhn                      lite world. Through  all  the  ups  and  downs  that  have  come
     tJ.rough  tltick ana  lit in, sltartd  dose friends  and  plenty of               our  way,  togtllter  we  shared  llttst  limes  and  memones.
     mem•es,  and  lltrough  it  all  we  emerged  togtllter- closer                   Yow  were  always  lhtrt  to  give  me  advice  that  I  came
     titan  tver. You  have  ntver f••ltd  to  be  lltert  for  me,  and  I            '.!Ying  to  you  for,  and  I  always  returned  lite  favor.  Lu'
     hope  lltal  I have  helped  you  as  much  as  you  have  hel~td                 SIS, nove you  and  I'm go'"g  to  miSS  you whm you  go off
     me. Yow  luroe  played  such  an  important  port  •n  my  life.                  to  FSU  Without  me. Maybe  1n  2  yt1lrs  I'll  be  jom•ng  you.
                                                                                       Who  knows?  But  whatever lite  outcome, we will  always be
      Witltoul  your presence with  me,  I wouldn't be  the  person  I
     am. I love you  so  much!  Thank you  for  everyllting. I don't                   best bll.ds  till death.
     know  what  I  would  have  done  withowl  you  to  keep  me                            Haz(BBTD)
     straight all  lltese years.
            Love you  always,

     •Tell 'em  Efti  •Goofy's in  the  house tonite ·irs uplifting •incredible heat-seeking  moisture missle •Jumpin'  Jack  Flash  •Einstabeichanscheit •Priscilla,  Queen  of the  Desert  ·P1ng-pong  balls
     •sweetness& Thickness •Are you  threatening  me? •Daytona ·chocolate CHIP •Tidow 10-2 •verts ·D1sco •KAos ·seeper t~g ·shpn' Slide •MK3 •Internet chat•Summers •santa Fe
     vs.  Columbia •YMCA •Tnck or Treating •Monty Python & the Holy Grail •Brain Donors •lightning hitting the car  Adventure Landing  Best Fnends- Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow"

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