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P. 361
Candace and Rocky
I guess the best way to start is by
saying, "Thank you!" You have made the past
Well, we've finally made it. This past year and a half the best of my life. In this
year and a half has been the best year of my time you have become not only my boyfriend
life and I hope I have given you the same but also my best friend. We have shared so
feeling. You have always been there for me many wonderful times together, times that I
when I needed you. Thank you. Baby, you wouldn't trade for anything. Rocky, I don't
mean the world to me and nothing will ever know what the future holds for us, but I do
change that. All those special moments we've know I want to spend it with you.l want you
spent together will live in my heart forever. I to know that I will ~ be here for you if
don't know the path of the future, but I hope
you need anything and I will~ love you
we travel it together. I LOVE YOU MORE
THAN ANYTHING! with all my heart.
Your baby, I LOVE YOU,
Candace Renee'
(Roc-Roc) (your pooter head)
Candace & Rocky Sr. Ad 355