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P. 370


                                                                                WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES, REUNIONS
                                                                                       SPECIAL OCCASIONS

                                   Coast                                 Stacey ?{f,tt{es     Stacey,   It seems  {i~ ytsteriay tflat

                                                                                              I fu14 you in my arms ani roc~ you in
                       Federal Credit Union                                                   our special rocfJ"'J  diair.  Sometimes
                                                                                              now  I  iream  a6out  t!Wt  ani a6out
                                                                                              tt«ing  you  fww  mucn  I  fove  you.
                    755 West Duval Street                                                     ?{pw,  you  !Wvt  6ecome  a  6eautifu1
                                                                                              young Wy ani /Wve  ireams  qf your
                                                                                              own.  Pftast fJr.ow  t!Wt you can io a{[
                        Lake City, FL  32055                                                  tlii.ngs  tnru,  wno  strengtnens
                                                                                              you 6y puttintJ Cfuist first in your Cife.
                                  1-904-752-8850                                              I fwpe  you kJww now rrwcn Papa ani
                                                                                              (jrantfma  fovt you.  J"rom  our liuut to
                                                                                              your neart.
                        FAX 1-904-755-4455                                                      Love always,
                                                                                                Papa & (jrantfma

                                                                              1<ggan  (jreen

                            CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP
                                500 W. Baya Ave.
                               Lake City, FL  32025
                                 (904) 758-8397

                            Pastor Buddy Meloy & Abby
                        Sun. Morning Celebration 9am & llam
                        Sun. Night Celebration 6pm
                              Wed. Night Bible Study 7pm
                      Wed. Night Royal Rangers (Boys ages 5 - 18) 7pm
                   Wed. Night Heavenbound (Girls 1st thru 6th grades) 7pm
                           Thurs. Night Crossfire Youth 7••m
                          Puppets  Tract Attack  Discipleship
                          Tape Ministry  Music  Drama  Radio
                       "A  Church with God's vision in mimi"

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