Page 400 - chs-1996
P. 400
ljest Jriends Always
Casey Summer.
9 will never forget the 6th 9 would like to take this
grade when we hated each other. chance to let you know how
but now we are the best of much 9 appreciate you and your
""jriends! you are the fight of my friendship. you mean the world
life and a joy to be around. 9 will to me! When 9 think of SJeCH
never forget the bad times we've !311E 9 think of laughter. tears
had. they have made us stronger from camp. state. my family.
and who loVe are now. you have skipping school. and II[[ the
been there for me when the rest awsome trouble we've gotten
of the world wasn't. 9 just want into. Summer Caroline. you are
you to know gm happy to say 9'm my best friend and 9 just want
your best friend. but. 9'm even to thank you! Although loVe have
happier to say your mine. 9 LOVE seperated we will remain best
you IILWIIYS! friends foever. 9 LOVE yow
Summer Casey
Casefd Harrison Summer r<owan
.9Lngie 1(jr6y
It lias 6un a IT!lmora6fe three years wgttfltr.
9"ou flave 6un there When I neu{u{ you. I am
very prow£ of you ana your sucuss. 'Best of {uck._
anti wishes in a[[ that you tfo in your afe.