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P. 402

Kati~ 5  Scarl~tt

        ere do I begin? I con remember joking with you
      in Mrs. Robert's 9th grade English class about 'A" Is                            Scarlett,
      for apple. and ·s· Is for bust ...... lhose were the good                              I  remember  when  we  sat  next  to  one  another In
      old times.  but since  then  our  friendship  has only                           English  In  ninth  grade.  We  always  cracked  on  that  cenaln
      grew  stronger.  Then  our  junior  year  we  were                               person. I had  no  Idea  at  the  time  how much  we  would  share
                                                                                       on down the  road. We  were  again  paired  up  In Junior english.
      ·partners In crime: lhen memories and laughs we                                  We  not  only  became  good  friends  but  an  Inseparable pair.
      shored con never be forgotten or replaced. I'm so                                Each time  I needed  someone  to  talk  to.  someone  to  make  mo
      glad that you  are so  considerate  of my feelings.                              laugh  or  go  somewhere  with  me  I  turned  to  you. We  helped
      here  has  been  a  lot  of  times  in  my  life  that  1                        one  another  through  some  dilllcult  times.  I  want  you  to
      needed you. and you were always there for me. For                                know  being  friends  whh  you  was  a  blast.  I  won't  say  the
                                                                                       choices  we  made  were  always  the  best  but  the  lessons  we
      hat I thank  you. I can  only  hope that after  we                               learned  made  us  do  a lot  of  growing  up. I wish  you  the  be&l
      graduate we stay In touch. I couldn't imagine my                                 ol  luck  with  whatever  you  choose  to  do  In llle.  I can  think ol
      life  without your  friendship. I hope that life  gives                          only  one  way  to  to  end  this  and  that's  with  a  few  of  our
       ou ali It has to offer.  I can only think to end this                           famous  sayings. Years from  now I hope  they still bring  a smile
                                                                                       May God bless you and your family always I
      enior year with a good Iough. He's in that zone. just                            6 &  7" Just  3  more  mlles'WAFFLE  HOUSE'  I  know  he  lives
       more miles!, Wame House. Where's Jake?. lhat                                    around  here  somewhere'Listen  to  your  heart I' Just  cross  the
      man  has  a  chalnsaw.  Do  we  have  to  take  the                              medlan'Thal man has  a chalnsaw'You  reek'My mama  told mo
      carseat?. Derriei's Party. Westbound on 1-10. crossing
                                                                                       not  to'Who  Is  Jake?'Trey's  gonna  kill  me'You  wenl
     .the median. New Year's Eve. Chills. Media Play. KT
      Moc.Scar.6 & 7. WGFFE!!!                                                         there'He 's  In  that  zone'No  we  don't  want  any
                  Friends Forever.                                                     chlcken'Watch  out  for  flying  brushes'No  olllcer 1 dldn1  know
                   Sco~ett                                                             her tag  was  explred'Partnero  In  crime  and  punlshment'KTSS

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