Page 403 - chs-1996
P. 403
'Tl!f'f, 'You '{{ never K_now just fiow
'Won& can't ezy[ai.n fww proua Jam cif you special you are to me.. 'You fulve grown
atuf your aaompfisftmmt.s tfw.s far in fife. "'J.f9 into a 6eau.tifu£ Ctufy (JJI{ J'm very
matttr fww 6ad tfu storm, you fulve always prod cif you. 'We sum to grow cfaser
6ro"iffit mt sunsfiine on a tfaily 6asis sin.u tfu
as eacfi tfay passu (JIIa J'{[ always
tfay you were 6orn. • LooKing 6ack. J tfon 't cfurisfi tfiat t:Wseness. '1{g matttr wfiue
tfii.ttU wouU cfuutge (JIIytfiing. "We(£, may6e tfie future migfit taX:!- you, just
UU musy room. • J may fulve 6un fi.artf on you remem£,er fiow we always sum to 6t
at timt..s, out it was for a reason. 'You were tfiinfjng ali~ So if we fiave to 6e
6orn a ruuur atuf witfiin you. you fulve tfu sed apart, tfiink. cif mt ana K_now J'm
cif greatruss insUlt. 'You sfiou.U 6e a server cif
tfiinK.jn.g cif you.
peopu, not a foffower. Jf you wi£[ uarn to 6e a l Love 'You!!!
gootf server cif peop{e, you wi£{ su a!£ your
tfreams atuf aspirations comt true. Jf you are a
foffower, you wi[{ always 6e at tfu mtrcy cif
somt one efse 's tfecisions. '1{g matter wfult
fulppens in your Cife, rtmtrrWtr one, if you
trust in (jot£ ana ut :Him guitfe you in your
tftcisions, tfi.ey wi£[ always 6e tfi.e rigfi.t o11L5. Jf
l C(JJI give you two piect.S cif advice to ta~
tfiro"iJfi. fife, it wou.U 6e.:
".fa.{wavs tfiinK (JIIa 'Dream 13 fG (JIIa never ut
(JIIyone steal your 'Dreams! •
"'Worf fiKe Wenttfiinq tfeventfs Ott 1/0U, ana
umu uke ev'!Jitfiinq tfcperufs on Gotf. •
'Miattvu you W(JIIt out of Cife, Cife wif£ give if
you an wilfing to work_atuf pray for it.
• gO 'D J J4.'}.{ CYJ.{_'IY
Love, Tiffany,
'You're tfie 6ut sister (JIIyont cou.U fulve. 'Tfulrtk; for
always utting mt use your C'D's (JIId-aJtar your fults.
(jootf f.t4. ill a!£ you !W!