Page 508 - chs-1996
P. 508

I c;an't t:tckv• that it's ovff'. This yeaf1)ook,  ...tli<;h  has taken  such  a t:tig  part of our ivcs, hu c;om•  to it's
     c;on<;llslon. Through al th• s~s, ~~. and sluf'IC$5 night;.$, w. ar. finaly fin~hed. I gue$5  that I c;an say that this
     t:toolc and a  of you ...tto hav• worted on it hav• hdped m• to t:te<;om• a stronger pU$0n. Th~ rc.sponsiPity was om that
      I c;ouldn't shirt, no  matter ttl• amount of 5~5 I wu undu and  how fnJstnUd  I'd  g•t.  ~ut through it al, w• hav•
     produc;~ ttl• t:tC$t yeaf1)ook •vul Th• MIX~ a great sue<CC$S, .-.ft«::ting th• peop'- who  ma~ it and ttl• hard wort that
     was put into it. I hav• many peop'- to thank for h~ and  I hop• that I don't forg•t anyonf.  Fnt of al, rd lb to
     thank  my  Sulior  Se<;~on  Edito~- PUnlta  PaUl,  LaurMJ  Mos~, and  Linda  LH. You  did  a t:nmendous jot:t  in
      making  th• most important s"~ of ttl• t:took,  and it's wly t:teautifuL  ..llnior Se<;~n Edi~ Lau,..  C•nnon,  you
     did  a  ~t jot:t  on  your o\m You  followed  th• Cannon  tndi~n and  you  should  t:t•  proud  of you~df. Shalimar
      Munro,  Sophomor•  Se<;~n Editor, you  c;am•  in  as  a rooki• and  through  an  th• mistake.$  and  missing  am, you
     should t:t• a pro. Good jot:tl  My saving grac•,  I<Mth  PNTy,  ff"C$hman  Se<;~n Editor,  I kn•w I had pi<;ked  a \Winff' when
      I c;hou you for ttl• jot:t. Although I had to t:t.g you, you did your jot:t and you did it wa. I realy ow• you.  Krlsty .Adson,
      featui"C$  Editor,  I app.-.ciau your hard wort.  Spom editor,  ~rand/ ~Nwn, when  I gav• you on• of ttl• most diffi<;ult
     s"~ns, I  had  no  dout:tt  in  your at:tility.  Thank  you  for  worting  so  hard.  H#athN'  ~#aUt;hamp and  Som•r
      ~PIN$, faculty and  Ck.ltlad•mi<;s  Edito~, you  gu~ did  a jot:t  on  this se<;~n. I appre<;iaU you taking on this
     rc.sponsit~Hity.  Chad  SUYMJS,  Courtn•y  ttol>ris,  l<rlss/#  Loon#y,  Anna  Frant;/s,  and  all  who  d,..w layout;.$,
     typ~ c;opy, and took pi<;iui"C$, thank you for hdping. You w..-. a tlig part of c.-.ating this tlook. I hop• you  ~look tlack
     and  admir• your  wort.  Ash/H  OWMJS,  Kat/#  Tompkins ,  and  St;arl#tt  Smithy,  S«lior Ad  Edito~, w• had
     som• lit~• prot:t'-ms, tlut you  gu~ c;am• through wonderluly.  I hop• •vcryon• ds• app.-.cia~ th• hard  wort you'V•
     don• to  mak• their ads  so  t:teautifuL  Laura  Collins,  11ger  fa/# Nn'$paper editor, thank you for th• support and c.go
      t:toost;.$ you gav• mf. Your constant reassuranc• of how I was doing  meant th• most to m• through th• compktion of
      this  monstrosity.  M/t;hlll#  ~uoya and  JMJalyn  Swlsh#r,  ~usine$5 Edito~, I'm  so  vuy <Jrauful to you  t:toth.
      Yot.r jobs wu. enormous and you  did  th•m without complaining  (wd,  ma)'t'• a just lit~• tlit...).  W• n•vu could  hav•
      don• this \Mthout you.  Thank you  so  much.  PUn/ta  PaUl,  Cok.lmtlian  Co-editor, thank you for t1m9  thu. for m• to
      tall t:tac::k  on.  Your pJ"C.$enc• has  tl~ a constant support in  al the.$• da~ of s~s. HnthN' Sauls,  SMior lnd•x
      Editor and  Spom  Co-editor,  I guC$5  th~ yeaf1)ook  has  shown  us  that w• c;an  realy count on  eac;h  other.  I tn.lly
      app.-.ciaU you doing al you'V• dom for m•, this year and through th•12 past yea~. lgUC$S that this is what tlmg tiC$t
      friends  is al 31Pout.  llov• you  so  much  and thank you I Good  k.lck  to th#  Editors of n•xt year's  j,ook. You wil hav• a
      s~sful ijm•, j,ut my advi<;• to you is to imagin• how great ttl• finished product wil t:t•l You wil  mak• it throu<Jh  th•
      t:ou(jN5t ijme$, even if you think you1 dif j)•fo,.. it 9•t;.$  fin~h~. frust m•, I know.  I hop• your y.af1)ook ~ .-.ft«::t your
      <;tass  and  ttl• spe<;ial  peop'- in  it ik• this on• doC$,  Again,  Good  luck.  Finaly to Mrs.  Co/Yin  CarUr' ,  my  adviser,
      mother, conftdant, and friend,  I can nevff' thank you enough for evuything you hav• done. AI ttl• ~me.$ you prote<;Ud
      m• and wu. paijent with  m• hav• given  m• a strongu rC$pe<;t for you.  I don't know how you'V• put up  with  m•, t:tut I
      hop• I'V• t:t~ .vuything you hav• •<;Ud of me.  rm  looking forward to folo\Wig in your foot;.$ Ups and  I hop• I nn
      fulfil tn.le<jac::y that. you hav• creaUd. !lov• you so  much! foal oth~ ...tto conmlxJUd their p.-.cious ~m• and •ffort
      into this ~ook, thank you. 1 appruiau you a1.
                                         Sarah E.  l<llty. EditoM'l-Qliff

                                                                                              Wtli,  this  has  almost
            It is  finish«l. The.  croppus  have.  Pun
                                                                                       come.  to  an  end  and  the. ye.a~ook  is
            laid  to  re-st.  The.  gre-ase.  pencils  have.                           a Pout to Pe.  finish«l.  We.\te.  had  so me.
            crawle-d  Pack  into  thtlr darlc  chasms,
                                                                                       stre-ssful  ye.t   e.njoyaple.   time-s
            wh«e.  we.  will  ne.v«  find  the.m.The.
                                                                                       comple-ting  the.  Stnior se.c~on.  Sarah,
            co mputus  have.  Pun  tume.d  off  for
                                                                                       you  have.  htlp(.d  me.  through  some.
            the. last time. and  the. voice-s  of stre-ss
                                                                                       troubling time-s both -Mth  the. ye.a~ook
            and  angst are.  d'Mndling  do'Wfl  the. hall,
                                                                                       and in  my pusonallife.. V.Jithout the. htlp
            fading  into  It is  Pittuswe.e.t
                                                                                       of  Linda  Lu and  Punita  PaUl,  the.
            end  to  a  ne.w  e.ra.  Sarah,  thanks  for
                                                                                       senior  se.c~on wouldn't be.  re-ady.  You
            tuming things around and  making  the.
                                                                                       guys  htlp«l  me.  figure. out just 'What  I
            ye.a~ook e.v~ody's Pook,  not just a                                       was doing and how to do it. Toge.thu we.
            stle.ct fe.w.  You have. Pun kind  and just
                                                                                       made.  a  gre-at  uam  at  making  the.
            'Whtn  it was  dume.d so, PUt you  could
                                                                                       de-adline-s.  Last  Put  not  le-ast,  Mrs.
            tum  into  1007.  pure.  .. BEAR ..  when
                                                                                       Cart«, 'What can  I say? You'Ve.  had to
            applicaPie..  To  all  the.  othe-r  e-ditors,
                                                                                       put  up -Mth  my sarcas~c;. smart-ale.c,
            thanks for sU«ing cle-ar of me.  I did  my
                                                                                       'Whiny mouth for thru straight ye-ars.  It
            be-st  to  stay away from you!  Nothing                                    take-s  a  woman  to  do  that.  You
            pusonal, but I pre.fu white.  ~le. to re.d.   Wtll,  I'm re-ally not sure. 'What or 'Who  to   would  de.finiUiy fit that de.scrip~on.  1
                                                    start 'Mth.  I gue-ss  111  Pe.gin  -Mth  Brandi.
            To Aunt Col\ly, I hope. I gave. you a run for                              love.  all  you  guys  in  a  major  way.
                                                    'Whtn you aske-d  me. to htlp you take. on
            your  mone-y  whe-n  it  came.   to
                                                    the. Sports se.c~on, I didn't know 'What 1   8e.caus• of our  uamworlc,  this  ye-ar's
            arguments. No  matt« \lklat you say or
                                                    was  ge.t~ng into, Put 'Mth  the. htlp  of   ye.a~ook -Mil  go  do'Wfl  in  the. re.cords.  I
            how you act I know you'l"e. just as swut                                   thank you duply.
                                                    Chad  and  Courtne-y,  we.  did  it.  'When  1
            as sugar on the. inside.. We. should  ali  be.                                          Lauren  Mose-s
            thankful, though, this  has  Pun  the.   wasn't busy -Mth  Inde-x  or Sports, 1 was   Stnior Se.c~on Co- Editor
             most  produc~ve., pe.ace.ful,  and  be-st   che.cking  othu  page-s  and  ke.(.ping
            ye.a~ook I  to  co me.  out  of   Sarah and  Mrs.  Cart« straight. Sarah,
             C H S.  Hope. fully it -Mil  Pe.  as   you owe.  me. the. ste.ak from  the.
                                Roadhouse. for  this one..  I love. ya!  Be-st
                          Ktlth  Pmy                PUds  -Mil  do  ne-arly  anything  for  e-ach
                      fre-shman  Se.c~on Editor     othu, as W(. have. proven -Mth this Pook.
                                                    But outside.  the.  Joumalism  room  1
                                            to kup  me.  sane..  To
                                                    my two mends, J.L. and  Julna-
                                                    what  would  I  have.  done.  -Mthout you
                                                    guys?  J.L.,  you  e.spe.cially  made.  it  a
                                                    point to le.t  me.  do'Wfl,  I love. you!
                                                    And  to  e.vuyone.  tlse.,  love.  ya  and
                                                    thanks  for  e-verything  you'Ve.  done.  for
                                                    the. be-st y(.a~ook  made.!
                                                                 He.athu Sauls
                                                    Stnior Inde-x Editor & Sports Co-Editor
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