Page 509 - chs-1996
P. 509


                     lhe.  49th  volume.  of  The  Columbian,  "'..A.Jst  the.  Right  MIX"'  was  publisht.d  by  Delmar
               Printing and  Publishing  Company in  Charlotte.,  North Carolina.  The.  Mix has 504 page-s  that are.
               Smyth  &wn and  have. a trim size.  of 9x12.  The. pap« stock was  80# gloss  e-namel.  Black  was
               the. base. ink color. The.  main he-adline. font was Ruling  Script fwo and all oth« copy was  typt.d in
               ft.kton Plus Re.gular, e-xcluding  ad fonts.
                      The.  cov« is  compose-d  of 160 point bind«S  board.  It is  a  litho  cov« with  PMS 268
               purple. ink co mbint.d with a PM S 8 73 me-tallic  gold ink, Ia minatt.d and thm e.mbosst.d and graint.d
               with a sparkle. uxture.. The.larg« le.tunng has be.m  sta mpt.d  with  F5-2 gold foil also. The. de-sign
               is  to re.pre.smt a swirl or MIX, to go with the. the-me..
                      The. mdshuts are. printt.d e-ntirely in PM S 268 purple. ink  to match the. cov« and all copy
               is  sta mpt.d in the.  F5-2 gold foil ust.d on  the. cov«. This ye-ar's book also has a transluce-nt vellum
               tip-in  be.twe.m  the. front e.ndshut and  title. page..  It is  compose-d  of a  UV  UL IRA  II  pap« with
               copy and printt.d in the. same. F5-2 gold foil stamp that was  use. on the. cov« and mdshuts.
                      Only 1000 copie-s  of The  Columbian w«t. printt.d.
                      The.  Columbian staff wishe-s  to e-xpre-ss  thtir appre.ciation to the.  many pwple. who  helpt.d
               make. this book possible.. fo Bill,  Mark,  Stan, Jt.ff and  Lisa of Delmar Studios, thank you for all of
               the. til m you  de.velopt.d,  sports picture-s you  took, film,  and  hard work.  We.  could  not have. done.
               this without you.  Eck«d's and  Photo's in  a Flash,  thank you for all  the. picture-s you  de.velopt.d.
               Thank you to Carol  Dukelow, our Delmar service. re.pre.smtative., for your calm help with any of our
               crise-s,  and  quick  re-turn  of  our  innume-rable.  phone.  calls.  _ro  Michael  Cady,  our  belove-d
               re.pre.smtative.,  thank you  for all  the. help,  phone. calls, quick  visits  to the. school, re-assurance.,
               the.  many mistake.s that you caught, and all the. time-s you "'just wantt.d to make. sun."' You did a
               fabulous job. fo  Sarah  Kelly,  Editor-in-chie-f,  thank you  for all  the.  hard  work you've.  done..  And
               Finally  to  the.  staffs one.  true.  love.,  Mrs.  Colvin  Cart«, advisor,  all  appre.ciation  that we.  can
               e.xtmd to you, you de.suve.. You  have put up with plmty from us, and we-love. you! fo the. re-st of
               you  who  contribuud to the. production of this book  thank you.  Without you  all,  the.  MIX would
               not be. the. succe-ss it is.

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