Page 510 - chs-1996
P. 510
As this book com~s to a clos~, th~ Class of 1996,
th~ ult.imah MIX, will go out into th~ world and th~
undtrclassm~ will b~ a su.p clostr to graduation. Whil~ w~
Wtr'~ waiting, prtparing, and working towards this gr~at
goal, w~ hav~ b~om~ a family. w~ hav~ cr~atul a hom~ at
CHS, and though w~'n prtpar~d to l~av~, w~ will ult.imattly
miss all th~ good tim~s w~'v~ had htr~. Ch~sh all th~
m~mori~s w~'v~ mad~ tog~thtr, and as our canfr~~ high
school days com~ to an ~nd, w~ should mak~ mor~
m~mori~s to carry along on our joum~ys into th~ futur~.
Always r~m~mbtr ... th~ MIX is fonvtr!
...llrior Lim ..Ja m(.S cht«s th' 'figU"S on
at o~ of ttl' infamous rainy game. ~~ng ~ acti'fiti(.S dr"tor is a dirty jol>
for Mrs. D""-
lh' mighty Class of 1996, sing th(ir Pelovtd alma mat« at on' of th' last ptp
G'tting r. th' groov' ar• Sophomorc.s 8tlng a stnior Is gr~tl ..l.Jst ask Rtnu Ha'Wicins, Gu1Junda Ga mPI(.S, and Kashaownda Sophomo~ Kt.Yin Wwu woncs diligtntly
Th«(.S' l(.oln(.S and ~randi Evu,t;t.
Hanison. on his artie!' in ..JoLrnalis m.
•srought togtthtr t>y chanctl dtpart tttrnal fritnds ... ~~
...lr1iors fraYis t-i.lnw and Andy Mat~ws Q:CiUdly await Senior class sponsor Mr • .JoY' wav(.S goo <I>!" f~ mtn p~ar' to mov' on to th' South campus, although th'Y ar' not
thw tum to I>• smors. to th' class of '96. looking forward to t>~g ·s~opdogs. •