Page 71 - chs-1996
P. 71
J\!tr. C.tJJ.S.
-:the 4th ~nnu.:~t ~r. C 1J. S <1.:~~e.:~nt Yeb 2 .
w.:~s .::~ nL(Jht to remember Yor $3 oo ~ou ~ot
to see Yorm.:~t We.:~r. -:t".:~knt, -:t"o~.:~s .:~nJ
ent:el't:<:llnment unf'.:~rr.:~ tteJ ln the hlsto~ of
C1J.$ <lo.::~ SoLomon. ~erem~ ~ltkr. 1:lnt:e
Cobb. <.:Brett Crews. W.:~tt:er 'Pou~~s . ~.:~n
<.:Boone. <.:B~.:~n (<l!lrJ) .:i4bbott. Chrls W.:~rJ . .:~nJ
~u~u.:~n <.:Bur~ess .:~U .::omf'et:eJ for the .::rown
of ~r. C.1J..$. ~r. Con~enl.:ltl~ honors went to
1:lnt:e Cobb .:~nJ ~u~u.:~n <.:Bur~ess tool< home
the .::rown .:~nJ tof' honors for h ls f.:~butous~
funn~ renJltlon of .:~n oU m.:~n l nsf'lreJ to
throw Jown the .::h.:~ l ns of t l me .:~nJ
sh.:~boo~le .
'WI- IN $0<>oooooooo Cool I" ~riarl Aj)j)ott, ~"'t.t Cnws, .Jcrtmy Milu, Rocky
Solomon. l<i1u Coj)j), Ctm Vhrd, ....l.I..Uan &~,Walt«- Oo~las and Ry.ln
&oon• tum on tN charm.
Oong a ,;om danu ~ gav•l<i'lu Cd>j), walt4r Oou~as, and ..ll-..lJan from tn. n~.w snow·~d and Nicol•", hosts Migl.ul fcpfodino and~
SNffidd kept tN program mo\11' and groo\11',
~ a cnanu to "&ust. a Mov.-1
Mr. CHS 65