Page 68 - chs-1996
P. 68
The Ho me<;o min<J ptp rally
was special for everyone
'Who atUilded. It included
many of the contest
finales, from kiss the pi<J
to the spirit stick. The
parade was the next
event. With u ml?rellas in
hand, CHS students
showed up to support
thtir school.
All DrtSstd up, eteky Odo m, Kdy Rol>inson, Priscilla Zahnu, and their tScort.s waiHo
makt th(ir tnvanu Don't thty look grtat?
1.....2-3-.playl Julnifu Janasit\l.'icz
drtet.s tht ~and.
Tht singing of tht Alma Mat« is a spteial part of tach ptp rally.ThtSt mtm~us of tht
football uam sum to agru.
Samantha l<ing knoW$ ~ tN camtra is, ~ut 'fot>y $mil~ Mordteia Hunt«. Tht Tigus art going to IW1 th~ A gir1 has to j)~ prtparc.d. Mrtya CasUIIon cam~
\Wktns sums confusc.d. Homteomi1g gam4. rtady f<>f' tN rai'l.
62 Homecoming