Page 72 - chs-1996
P. 72

EvHy      yt-ar    during
            Ho mt-co ming  wuk,  many  of  tht-
            school clubs a swuthtart and
            a  ht-art  throb  to  rtpnstnt tht-m  in
            tht  Ho mt.eo ming  paradt-.  It is  an
            honor for tht-st pwplt- to  bt- chost.n
            by    tht-ir  class matts  for  this
            position.   Htrt- art- this  ytar's
            distlnguisht.d rt.prt-st.ntatlvts.

                                                          f'ho~ CU>: Da-.ld
                                                          Heilman and  Li'lda Lu

                                                                                               .AWT'C: Amy McGroarty

             African American Histoty Ol.b: Dana ..Jcm~an and My   FCA: MdW'l Goggi'ls and Laronda  Gi>son   ROfC: lsiah Griffin

                                                                 .  ; .
                                                                   I  -

                                                            ~' ' ii     ..
                                                             ·~~ii• • i. .iif!IJ~
                                                          • . !li     I    \l
                                                           I.          :   ,:•
                                                                          dl~ ..
              f'l-~ Coll'9aU : Thomas Alc.l ana  1 akydra f<OI:>inson

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