Page 78 - chs-1996
P. 78

Smil~l  Sal>rina  EsU$,  HoUy  Langston,  Ktl~  M(;Can,  A~s on Powu-s,  erandi  Danids,   This ~ at tn~ pq:>  rali~ ...Uniors  g~t a t.asu of 'What it's ik~ to party on  tN
             Micnd~ ec.doya, KdU  Blanton, and  susan Priv~tu pos~ ~tn tn~ jll1ior post«.   Sid~ ~th tN ~1"$.

           Tcn-dl  Ac:;osta
           Carol Adams
           v~m~trius Anduson
           Joshua Anduson
           Jostph Ash
           Brook~ At:Jcinson

            Chari~ Bail~y
            Mat.t:h~w Bail~y
            St;(ph~ Bail~y
           .J«~my BaisdM
           Luc:;as  Ba~u
           Travis  Bar1cl~y
           Harold Bany

           Sarah Bass
           Josq:>h  Bass~t.t.
           Brandi  B~Ull:>augh
           LesA  BMn~t.t.
           Morrdl  BMn~t.t.
           Shari~ BMn~t.t.
           Mat.t:h~w Bug~

           Vtrlon  Blair
            Kdly Blanton
           Jumif« Boik~
            [)a...;d Bond
            Efrain BoniUa
            Nk;ol~ Bradford

           Nat.han  Bradtmudlu
           Ranc~ Brady
           Lelgh  Bralli«
           na Brarvlon
           'J./Mdy Bridg~
           Amanda  Brinkl~y

          72  Juniors
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83