Page 77 - chs-1996
P. 77

CHS studMts show«:l  their
                                                                            sofur  sid~  at  th~  Hrs
                                                                            Christmas  party.  Amanda
                                                                            Pamdl happily MUrtains h«
                                                                            n~w triUid,  Mdody ..  BELOW:
                                                                            Although  som~ may  think
                                                                            that  Miguel   l~p~dino  is
                                                                            prtparing  for  his   futur~
                                                                            (;ar~.  in  a(;tuality,  h~'s
                                                                            hdping  Mrs.  caru.r kup  h«
                                                                            room  (;l~an.  Som~ juniors
                                                                            hav~ to  work  a  lit:l~  hard«
                                                                            than ~xp"Ud to  kup  their
                                                                            ua(;hus happy.
                                                                                  euVltOY$  _2ly~

                                                                               Stttt  ;tr~tVJ~  to

                                                                               SB~~t th~ JVtt.x

                                                                                   Stuck  in  th~ middl~ of a  mix  lik~  this
                                                                            som~tim~s  mak~s  a  class  lik~  '97  f~~l
                                                                            smother~. Th~y'r~ impati~tly waitin9  to  rul~
                                                                            th~  school  and  still  havin9  to  push  th~
                                                                            Sophomor~s around.  With  all  th~ t~sion of
                                                                            Ptin9 a v\Jnior,  th~ Class  of '97 has  still htld up
                                                                            thtir h~ads and  k~t pushin9 thtir way throu9h.
                                                                            fh~y  ar~  not  a  class  to  pass  up  9ood
                                                                            opportuniti~ and allow th~mstlv~ to los~ sight
                                                                            of  th~ir  9oals.  fh~  Juniors  hav~  prov~d
                                                                            th~mstlv~ as tough co mp~titors, as  shown PY
                                                                            th~ tie.rc~ comp~tition durin9  Hom~omin9. Th~
                                                                            v\Jniors  n~ve.r l~t thtir spirits  fall  and  k~pt th~
                                                                            prid~  th~y  hav~ had  sine~  th~y first  cam~
                                                                            tog~th«. Althou9h  th~y hav~ a y~ar to 90, it's
                                                                            oPvious ...  th~ Class of '97 is  r~dy!

                                                                          R~ding ovu an  int«~ting
                                                                          articl~.  Leigh  Ann~ Bralli«
                                                                          g~ts h« hair  frMch-~raid«:l
                                                                          ~y classmau Carla  Silvtria.
                                                                          Pr"ious  tim~  is   n~v~r
                                                                          wast«:l in  Joumafism.

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