Page 81 - chs-1996
P. 81

Sal:>ra  Fortman
                                                                                                     fonya fountan
                                                                                                     Tho mas  fra mpton
                                                                                                     Rt.l:>u:ca  fraziu
                                                                                                     Jtssica  fry«
                                                                                                     Rt.gina  fudgt
                                                                                                     ..knnifu Garcia

                                                                                                     Melissa  Gask~l
                                                                                                     Avuy Gtnovtst
                                                                                                     Andrtw Gtb:
                                                                                                     .Jacquelint GU
                                                                                                     Ht.idi  G~lty
                                                                                                     Lacit GIUYI

                                                                                                     ~e<;ca Gootu
                                                                                                     Mikel Graff
                                                                                                     Chliswph.r Graham
                                                                                                    .lJdy Gray
                                                                                                     KathU)"  Grttnt
                                                                                                    John  Grunt
                                                                                                    Janata)" Gnffln

                                                                                                     Htathu Griffis
                                                                                                     Matthtw Grinsttad
                                                                                                    Omar Haddock
                                                                                                     6rookt Haglu
                                                                                                     John Hal
                                                                                                     KM1  Hall
                                                                                                     f trrtnct  Harrell

                                                                              Columbia high school studa1ts hav~
                                                             fraYis  Hanington   th~ most school spirit around. w~
                                                             Rachel  Humtsman
                                                             fraYis  Ht'Mttt   don't just go to th~ football gam~
                                                             John Hickty     w~ do  a lot mor~ to prtpar~ for th~
                                                                             ga m~s. Lik~ th~ night b~for~ a
                                                                             football gam~ many juniors gtt
                                                                             togtth« to  mak~ post«s to support
                                                                             th~ ua m for th~ upcoming 9a me..
                                                             .Jantt Hil
                                                             Nicolt Hints    lh~s~ post« pam~ don't always
                                                             Gtni Houston    tum out lik~ w~ ~~tcUd so m~u m~
                                                             Kelly Hui:ll:>ard   w~ would  com~ hom~ just a lit~~ bit
                                                                             dim« than w~ wanU<J. At on~ post«
                                                                             party in pamcular th«~ was  a hug~
                                                                             paint fight! By th~ a1d of th~ party
                                                                             tv tryon~ was in  th~ s w; m ming pool.
                                                             r m-an hudson
                                                             lsrtal Hunt«    lh~ junior post« pam~s sound lik~ a
                                                             Mordtcia  Hunt«   r~al spe.ctaclt but th~y ar~ th~ most
                                                             fraYis Hunt«

     \.                                                                                                      Juniors  75
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86