Page 8 - chs-1996
P. 8
1)~~ OVJ~ tYl th~ mlx of C~$
August 21st was a day of many mixul t.mouons. It markul tht. bt-9inning fOf': Mr. Huddl~i<ln tak~ c;ontl"ol and dir"ts tn~~ poor IDst
&OffOM: Th~~ fdlas st~~ and prolil~ t>y tn~ loc:kus.Jam~
Gr~. Nic;k Hush man, Dal~ Gritf111, and Anlllony fo'Mlt ar~ Naoy
of tht. 1995-96 school for many studt.nts it was a day of dnad. It \14th al n•w Uwad.~ i<l 5t.ri off~ sc;hool 'jQ/'•
bt-9an a grut.ling daily rouunt. starnng at 7:58 AM and finally t.nding at
3:10PM. Oth«S W«t. t.xcitul to comt. back. Tht.y had bt.t.n looking forward
to s~ng thtir flit.nds, sharing thtir summ« advt.nturt.s, and showing off
nt.w clotht.s. lo many it was just anoth«, but to tht. Class of '96 it
signitiul tht. bt-9inning of tht. t.nd. It is thtir last at CHS, gt.tung rt.ady
for tht. world. Most St.niors ct.lwratul thtir superiority by gt.tung« with oth« St.niors and going to bnakfast and caravaning to
school, or in anoth« cast., riding on a hayride.
Tht. St.nior class wasn't tht. only ont. that ctlwratul thtir to
school, tht. undt.rclass mt.n also sumul to bt. proud of thtir unity. Tht.y
carpoolul and au bre-akfast«. \Aiht.n the-y arrivul at school tht.y
atumptul to makt. thtir known, but tht.y didn't arrivt. in styit.likt.
tht. St.niors who provul not only thtir st.niority, but also thtir superiority.
~w c;lotN$ and Pig smil46 just c;arn. naWraly for ...lrlior W.s Douglas, and s.nors Walta' nw offic:;• staff is t>usily h~ W"')'C:lN g•t. it all t.og~Uw. Mrs. fa)4or and Mrs. Smit/1
Douglas and fan 'Miams on tN fnt day of sc;:hool. Hot w~ was as happy to (;OIM haw it a1 und4r cootrol.
2 Introduction