Page 92 - chs-1996
P. 92
fak~ a i'lash j)ack to tm 50's with funn Hudson and Marie f«<«ico ChwWadU$, $al)rina EsU.S and &ran<i &~n~. show th4i" friendship
'oltlo participaUd in 50's,60's,70's day. as t.Ny ~ ~ a hard wulc of camp.
""PLA: 1<A Me cal, 1iffa1y fOI'TW\6, Marie f~o, otNr f4<1w claumat45 fight hard in tM
&randi Oanids, and Jo$Cf)h fLnWf", cont.&t on 1Mid day.
86 Juniors