Page 88 - chs-1996
P. 88
APov•: Every .A.Inior nuds a car lb this! K)4i~ Maricham knows that dn.,.;ng is
ont. of~ ~est priYil~c.s a ..Unior can hav~! ~ght: '"V.tlat7 You want 1M to
mak~ on~ mor~ sign!7! .. Kristy Costalo can't ~ditv~ how many signs it tak~ to
r(.311y mak~ th~ S«<iors sit up and noW;~ at th~ p~ rallic.s.lhlow: H~r no
tvil!! Su no c.Yil!! Sp~k no tvil!! RWuca 1'1unk~tt, .Ajay Mhatn, and Jason
Wo~y look lik~ candida~ forth~ Post Offk;~ HaM of farM ~ut th~y hav~ r~lly
~un woridng on posUrs and mor~ posUrs! &-'ow taght: w~ ar~ all r~dy
for ~ parad~! Waiting for th~ ta~gau party to ~~in, W~lq Douglas, Miqud
f fi>~ino, Josh Crapps, and ~hani~ 'Millis pond« th~ m~ning of lif~!
•rm not momg from this spot unltss som~n~
Using their very ~~t srtisW; talt.nts, Kdli McCall, Angela How low can you go71iffany foi'T'al'lS claps for
comc.s and picks m~ up•, says Michatl fortman.
Rogus, Lain~ Morgan would rathu paint ~y nu~«! erandi Danids and Massa Macaragc.s as t.Ny
su how low th~y can go.
82 Juniors