Page 87 - chs-1996
P. 87
Dan 8aralt
Michdle. Bedoya
r orre.Yio 8ro~m
S~~ Chapman
C lifton Crowdu
Staci Cumming5
Jason Hollingsworth
...urlor5 gilt• it tn~ all attN Hom"oming skit shoW5. Hu• ~ su K.di
Michelle. f'anish
&!anton, &randi Danid$, K.di McCal, and Migud Te.pedino acti'lg out tN
RWtlcah f'
t"lsp"tor Gadg•t show.
Michael Se.ymour
8dow: Stud~t5 gathu tog•thu to h~ th• vU'dict of tN 0 • ...1 Simpson trial,
as w• can su from thw ·~r~5ions thty don't agru ~th tht nJing.
..uicn ~·it tNir al at HorMCOming 5kit ShoW$, !<A elanton, Brandi 5tucWrlt$ gatn.. around in t.4r5. Cart«"'s ~ass to Mar' tN v4t'dict of tN O....l, K.ei Me Cal, and t.4iP r~ actng out tN t"ls~tor G~t Simp$«1 tnal, as w.- from tNir fac~ tNy don~ agru ~th tN ~
friuldship is vuy important h~ at CHS as w•
can su hen in this pickn as l<.dly 81antoo
giv~ htr fli~d .Jandl Mcfunn a t>ig n...g.
rr.~s Hu11Wr shoW5 hi$ f"li!«' spirit t>y •How do you sk4r U\15 thing?'" seN-a ms
makint po5t..s tot' tN ~ming garMS. MictMk Simpkm.
Juniors 81