Page 98 - chs-1996
P. 98
Work, work, work and e.vM more. work is what. He-athe-r
Gil~nath and Me-lissa Me Griff are. re-ally up t.o. All the.
sopho mons have. figure-d out. that. t.alth grade. is much hard«
than e-xpe-cted. We. we-re. all use-d t.o having a slowe-r pace., more.
at.t.Ul~on, and ~~ng the. only prop leo of the. sa me. grade. in the. class.
IMth grade. me-ans that. the-re. are. classe-s you can ~e. in with
juniors and sMiors. The. pre-ssure. is on t.o pe-rform ~e.cause. *the-y"
an watching you. Some.~me.s, whM le-ft. in the. wake. of the.
upp«class me-n, it. sums that. individual at.t.Ul~on is a thing of the.
past.. We. want. t.o ~e. part. of the. group ~ut. it. is hard t.o ~e.
All of this struggle. is t.o pre-pare. us for the. REAL WORLD
which, it. or not., isn't. too far away.
SUvU1 API:Iott
Michd~ Alarid
April AJ~xandu
H«<:: «t Alford
Fleur~tu Althous~
Adam A. Anduson
Adam f . Anduson
Marcus Anduson
Mario Anduson
Brian Angstadt
D~riya Arlin~
fen-a Austin
Danid Av«y
Sara Av«y
Dusm BaU~y
Jana Bail~y
D~nna Baku
BUU~ Bal
Randal Bart>«
Gina Basilsco
l~j1a B~sl~y
Arthur B~MI:Iaugh
S"l3111 Bd
'W'IIli~ Bmy
Dana B~t
Sudhir Bhaskar
~chard Bias
~sica Bishop
...usm Blalcl~y
Janna Blanton
Shaj1 Borer
Kdly BowM
KarmM Bo~es
fraci~ Bo)'tcin
David BradUl
Christi~ BrannM
i?.ol:l«t Br~~n
92 Sophomores