Page 101 - chs-1996
P. 101
..Ustln GUPri
Htat:her GiiPrtat:h
Andre.a Gilltn
Kelly Gltnn
Marti God\Wl
GaPrid Gonzale.z
Mi(;htal Gonzalts
Lisa GaM
Orman Graham
Erik Granade.
Dl"a maiN Gray
era~ G....-
Da'l'ld Grun~
Aron GriNi1
Dalt Griffn
lsiah Griffin
RW"(;a Griffin
Mary Griffis
Tiffany Gunter
Christlne. Hadle.y
Holy HaN
Danick Hall
fr~ Han-.11
Tim H.,.,.
Mary Harve.y
f onya Ha'"'ins
f ur.m(;t Ha'"'ins
~(;hard Hayts
AJaina Hdler
Josh He.ntzdman
f>aul Hemdon
Chris Hming
NiGic Hersh man
Mali Hints
Marla Hingson
early Hinkle.
Kristlne. Hit(;h(;O(;Ic
Randal HoPPY
Through our Uri ye-ars of schooling, all of us have. found
that sptcial group of friends. lht time-s that art spent with
tach othe-r art always good ti me.s that le-ave. us looking forward
to the. ne-xt time.. friends art those. that we. admire. for so many
re-asons. for thtir warm htart«.. nature. and for the. way the-y
Itt us know we. can always shan our fulings with thtm, we.
thank the-m.
The-y art all inspirations, and we. art glad the-y ca mt into our
Mtrtdlth ~hards, Timl Thomas, Mdissa ~ftdy, lonnie. 8U(;hanon, ltah Smlt:he.y,
and lisa liDcrly show 'What me.ndship is aD a PoUt at Colu ITWia High.
Sophomores 95