Page 102 - chs-1996
P. 102
On th6 first day of school th6 .Alniors and Smiors Wtr6
hanging out in Th6 Com mons whil6 all th6 Sopho mons Wtr6
going to th6 offic6 to g6t maps. Y6s, you could say that
th6 fisrt. day of school was a very h6Gtic on6, A fw 6Vtry
tardy btU you could find all th6S6 underclass mm roaming
around in th6 "'Mickey Mous6 Ears., or down th6 n6Ytr
mding Sopho mon hall.
But n6xt y6ar th6 class of "'98., will r6tum as .A.Jniors
and W6 will hav6 th6 privil6g6 of Ulling th6 "'marshmallows.,
to go tak6 th6 tl6vator,
Jason Hofmann
B~ara Hogu~
Donald HoUingsworth
Michael Hollingsworth
J(.ss~ Hopp«
SUph~ Homsby
Brad Hosutlu
S'lannon Hough
S'la\141 Howard
Ronni~ Howard
W~dy Howard
Do mini(\U~ Howell
D...l Huff
Suzi~ Hulttt
Amanda Hunt
Michell~ Hunt«
Brandy Hur1~y
'v1nc~t; Jamts
fammy ..Julkins
fur~ ..Julldns
Jacki~ ..knnings
Wayn~ J«nigan
Miranda JaTy
Mandy Johnson
Ja mts Johnson
Jason Johnson
Kim Johnson
Ktshia Johnson
Bruc~ Jon~
Bryan Jon~
Jamichael ..Jonts
Odell Jon~
Pamela Jonts
Ronni~ Jonts
Angel Jordan
Cindy Jordan
Rabbi~ Jo)'fl«
lwalani Kah ina
Laura Kam
Candac~ Kelly
96 Sophomores