Page 174 - chs-1997
P. 174
Lady Tiger Varsity Basketball
M t the Coach
The lad Tiger Var..,tty Ba.., etball team
e perienced dra he impro\·ement O\ er Ia t
·ear. The g1rl went 13-13, ad\ ancmg to the Mae Ola Bolton is no tranger to ba k tball. Her job a
d1~trict emi-final before I sin • t Orange Columbia High hool's var ity girl' ba ketball coach i h r
Par in a clo game. The team was I aded third coaching po ition. She ha al o coach d at the
with talent and imprO\ ed every t1me they Univer ity of Florida for two year and at Tulane Univer ity
played. \Vith a fa t -paced, up-tempo tyle for one year.
of play, the irl handed embarra~mg los e Coach Bolton wa r cruited
to nval l1ve Oak, ~anta Fe, La e \\'etr, to play ba ketball for the
Ocala Vanguard, and Bradf rd, well s Auburn Univer ity Tiger from
distnct foes leon and andah,:nod. The 19 4 to 19 . Whil at Auburn,
girl enj yed playing in the a embly gam Coach Bolton \\a named " C
again t Bradf rd, where they defeated the Roo ie of the Year" and made
T ornadoe by more than twenty pomt m th All-SE team three
front of a large tudent crowd. The Ttgers con cutive year in a row. h
were gu1ded bv the leader htp of fin help d 1 ad her team to two
mar : Marlenia Brown, jantece Jordan Conference hampion hip and
Amelia Parnell, Holly Rttch1e, and on regular a on title. Auburn
Ta aydra R bm n. The team also had \\a al o the runner-up in the
me e citing young player who will CAA Tournament in 19 .
provtde e penence for the ne\\' ea on After graduating from
• 'ew Head Co, ch ~1ae Ola B !ton along Auburn, Coach Bolton played
w1th A 1stant Coach C.C. \ 1l n led the two years of profe ional
T 1ger to the1r be t sea on in a long hme. ba etball in Italy and Spain.
Thr ugh hard \\Or and determmahon. the Sh also played on everal
Lady T1gers e penenced a great a on, USA a tional and Junior
great '1fidence, and great ucce s. ational team .
1996-97 Schedule
11/21 anta Fe
11/27 Ocala
an guard
12/5 Ribault
12/10 l,;nion Co.
12/13 Baker Co.
12/14 lmcoln
12/17 Hamilt nCo.
12/20-21 lady T1ger
1/3 leon
1/7 Uruon Co.
1/11 Vanguard
1/17 Live Oa
1/1 lincoln
1/22 Bradford Co.
1/24 Saras ta R1\ en iew
1/25 Vanguard
1/2 anta Fe
1/31 Bak rCo.
2/1 l n
2/5 Bradford Co.
2/7 Hamilton Co.
Front Row from right to left: Shannon W t, Andrea Lee. nd Row: Am lia Parnell, }ani
Jordan, Takaydra Robin on, Holly Ritchie, Marlenia Brown. Third Row: H ad Coach Ma Ola
Bolton, Cindy Ford, Sheena Wright, Danielle Mar hall, A i tant Coach C.C Wilson Not
pictured: LaKaya Butt .
168 G1rl s Varsrty Basketball