Page 178 - chs-1997
P. 178
ay1ng ar a
The 1996-1997 J.V. ba e-
ball sea on got off to a great
tart. The fir t game of the
ea on wa again t Baker
County. The Tiger won 6-5.
athaniel Wat on cored the
tying run on a teal to home.
Jermaine Byrd then doubled
in the game winning run. The
next few game were clo e,
but the Tiger came up hort
again t Linclon and uwan-
Next on the chedule wa
Oak Hall and the Tiger
de troyed them. We hope the
re t of the ea on i going to
be good and competitive.
Good luck.
J.V. Ba eball' Nathaniel \Vat-
athantel Wats n pep up p1tcher Thoma
McDutfie durmg th Lmcoln gam . Matt Regi ter wa1t for the p1tch.
172 J.V. Baseba i Kyle Blanton wa1t for a hard pitch, while up the pitcher Jake Trawick gt.>b a leild off of fit
Chn McCall w, tches the chon. prepare~ to steill.