Page 187 - chs-1997
P. 187

CHS Tennis  1997

                                                                              Facehft.  Th.11  1
                                                                       one  \\ ord  that de  cnb
                                                                       1997 Columbia Tenm  tt>Jm.
                                                                       \  1th  a  new  co,  h,
                                                                        dam  ,  and   e\  n  new
                                                                       plaH?r   n th  team, ha  th1
                                                                       \ear   team  hopm   do'
                                                                       \\ell  Howe\·er, Columbn 1
                                                                       1n  ,  lou  h  d1  tnct   \  1th
                                                                       po\' erhou  e  Lmcoln

                                                                                  pia) cr:.  h,n e
                                                                       been  condition  and  are
                                                                       prepared for  what lo  >   1  e
                                                                       an  ther great  ea  on  G  od
                                                                       luc  T1gers.
     Guy  Team  n  ling L-R:  Run Can, Billy Ro  rt , Blake Cox, J   Johnson, Jo  h
     Hentz!  man.  Standing L·R: Coach   n Adam , Andy Matth  w  , fen  Brown, Adam
     Verducci, Patrick Dougla  , Charlie Payne, Au  tin  Elli  , Jay Swi  her.

                                    Sm1le,  guy  !  Andy Matthews, Jay Sw1. her, andBHly Roberts
                                    have a lot to be happy about bemg the tenm  pr  that they are.

     Adam Verducci tak  a moment to   •           •            •         •         Run Can  hows us his unique serving
     reflect on hi  winning match.     ••         ••          ••         ••        tyle  Don't laugh, it wor  .

                                                             Azl O:pi061W backhand SJY  Ben   Patn   Dougla  . the number one  at,
                                                             Brown an ed   ov~ the competitor   ha  an exceptional  tenm  tyl  .
                                                                                                            Tenn1s  181
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