Page 182 - chs-1997
P. 182
Rolling and Pinning,
Th 1 q 6-47 . a-.. n f r the wre~thn'
te:~m ha been re:~t. The team ll t
thrt: du.1! matche-.. m the regular
. a-..on h, ving a record of o-3. The
team a!-.. placed ec nd m the GH
du,1! , fourth in the Jac ~ m·tlle
Fore. t Tournam nt, "I th m the
Vald -..ta Tournament, and fu-..t m
the La e Citv Knvam~ Tourn, ment.
1o' mg into the Di trict 2-6A
\ 're-.thng Tournament the t am'',
determmed to" m bac the di tnct
title. Lnf rtunatcly, the team placed
ond on a am. Th team cam up
with 10 regmal qualifier-. wtth Matt
Robinson, }l hn Pnce, J dt AI bur ,
. 1i e Chri tie, Ad nan Co per, 'tatt
Th rna , J hn C rrao, Harrv m te,
Darrell Kennm >ton, and Ja· n Kmg.
\ re~thng hard at re i nal the team
pr duced - tat quah 1er ,
R in n. Chri tie, Co per, ~1 te,
nd Km . The e placer!> \\ill have a CHS Wresthng Team 1embers Front: Stephen Bedenbaugh, Anhvine ]one , Rabbi Collette,
chance t "re tie at the 1997 tate Darrell Kennington, Matt Robinson, Adrian Cooper,John Corrao. Back Coach ;\1ttch Shoup,
Tournament in t. Peter burg.
Ja on Kmg, Harry ~1ote, • 1att Thoma , ~1tke Chri tie, Coach Todd B wer .
Harry ~1
The Tigers get in a few tretche before the btg match. The referee hold the hand of Darrell Mtke Chri!>tie trie to regam hi
Kennington to mdtcat the wmn r of the balance to ta e out ht opp nent.
Ad nan Coop r watt for the wht tie Harry 1ote mile when thmkm b c on Th r •ferc get own on the lev I of John Corrao to
to pin ht oppon nt. the away match he JU t won. d t •rmme 1fne 1 th "1nner.