Page 195 - chs-1997
P. 195

J.V. Cheerleaders

                                                                                              We  began  a  thirteen
                                                                                             individual  ,   but
                                                                                             gradually  progressed to
                                                                                             form one team. The hard
                                                                                             truggle  at camp proved
                                                                                             exhau  ting, however we
                                                                                              howed        our
                                                                                             determination   and
                                                                                             desire to  unite  and face
                                                                                             the  many  challenge
                                                                                           '  ahead  of  u  .   We
                                                                                             learned many I  sons of
                                                                                             di  cipline,  effort  and
                                                                                             teamwork,  while  we
                                                                                             bonded  not  only  as
                                                                                             teammate  ,  but  as

     Front row: Kristin Khachigan, Staci Vining, Candace Watson, Candace Lind  ey,   ond row: Jenny Lang, Sara
     Hill,  Kri  tin  Lucht,  Ca  y  Daughtery,  D  kela  Bradley, Third  row: Manager  Mara  Drigger ,  Shannon John  ,
     Jamia Jackson, Lyn   Skinner, Sara Drigger , and Sponsor Kim Jernigan.

                                                The Cheerleaders take  one la  t look at their po ter   Candace  Watson  think ,
                                                before the football  player  tear though it.   "How does that cheer go. "

      With  all  the  noi  e  Candace  Lind  ey   Campi  not only a time to learn, but time   Shake  it,  Stad  Vining,  the crowd  i  watching
      take a moment to focu  on th  ne  t cheer.   to have fun too.     you.

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