Page 197 - chs-1997
P. 197

Left:   As   the
                                                                                            Valdosta    game
                                                                                            continues,  Channel
                                                                                            12  News  takes  a
                                                                                            break  from  the
                                                                                            action  to  give  the
                                                                                            Cheerleaders  their
                                                                                            T.V.  debut.  Below:
                                                                                            As  the  band  plays
                                                                                            the  Star  Spangled
                                                                                            Banner        the
                                                                                            salute  the  flag  and
                                                                                            the  many  who  die
                                                                                            for  it.

                                                                             A Columbia football  arne \\'Ould n  t be
                                                                             complete without a  ramstorm. The fn::.t
                                                                             game of the  .ea  n  was  true  to  form  .
                                                                             Cheerleaders   ]ana  Baile  •,  Bro  e
                                                                              herman,  and Brandi Bedenbau  h.

            Senior Jana Griffin            Senior Mascot Larry Kendrick

                                                                                                   Varslly Cheerleaders  191
   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202