Page 196 - chs-1997
P. 196
Varsity Cheerleaders,
As a person watch the
varsity cheerleaders, they
see a group of girl that
have united a one. Each of
them began thi bond when
they were young, igning up
for little league
cheerleading. ow in the
19 6-97 year they have
joinrd together once again
and for the Ia t time. Long
practice , bu rides, and
lo ing boyfriends are a few
of the thing they
experience everyday. They
watch each other juggle
with the hardship of life
and help each other along
the way. They encourage
each other a a group and
are there when meone get
hurt. Th three niors will
be graduating and leaving First row: Ma cots Larry Kindrick and Rachel Thompson ond row:Brandi Everett, ]ana Bailey, Sabra
the i ters that they have Foreman, Brandi Bedenbaugh, Jana Griffin, Brooke Sherman, and Lind y Hale. Standing row: Bridget
made and have grown to Everett, arragansett Smith, Cheily Gu tavson, Terese Koln , Mari Hin and Angela Eadie.
love. These girls, of course,
will make new friend and
bond with other girl , but
the tie will never be a
trong as the squad of the
1996-97 hool year.
pon::.or 1r::.. Kim Bryant ::.tand::. \'\'ith
her new cheerleader Jo eph Cabral,
incent Know le , and ~1ar Fed en co at
the1r fu::.t f otball game.
Halftime for Mascot Rachel Thompson, is time to
take a breather.
Keeping the crowd entertained, Brooke Senior Brandi Bedenbaugh Senior Sabra Foreman
Sherrnan, flashed a big smile.
190 Vars1ty Cheerleaders