Page 350 - chs-1997
P. 350
'Dearest 'l(ef!i. Congratulations! ')our graauation from fligft scfwo{ mar. s the 6rgining of the rest of your ufe. ')au are free to 6e wfWt<.'t'er you
want to 6e ana to rna e your fije a.s fufji{[jng a.s you aes~re. (jo fortli into the utorGf witft amjitfenu, courage, strengtfi. antf wisaom. 'H'I! ftope tfiat
auring tftese formahve years togetfter, we proviaea guiaance wftich fta.s prepare! you for the future. 'H'e fove you ana wisft on(y the 6est for you.
'He Ull{[6e 6efuntf you Ull'tft support ana unaerstanaing. Congratu{ations for the present ana fove ana ftappiness for the future. Mom ana '}ran