Page 351 - chs-1997
P. 351
Hey J-Boy,
CongraLulaLiona and accolaee'a Lo you on your greaL advenLurea Lhrough grade, middle and high
achool. The many aucceuea and very few failurea haa ahowed you whaL hard work and peraeverance can
ach1eve. Th11 haa ma e you a beLLer and aLronger peraon for your many frienda and relaLivea Lo enjoy and
wanL Lo be near you.
DeepeaL condolencea Lo our family for we will noL have your amiling vibranL face and energy
around Lhe houae aa much aa we wanL, for you will be going on your nexL advenLure of life.
BuL LruaL in Cod aa we do and leL him lead you alwaya. Cod Bleu You! We are ao proud worda
cannoL expreu our feelinga
Dad, Mom, Caaie and Travia
P. ~ Q..emember our aong. The CaLa in Lhe Cradle, Don'L leL iL happen.