Page 353 - chs-1997
P. 353
Chtzlstlna i!vnn Oaklev
Chi ·Gif·
'g-TtWI tht ilttl( I(OU 1\.'CU 6o1n, I(L'H l'l'i!U I(Ol<1 2),1,.{ S Jl1idt tll\.f
fo'f, tVu( thl' othn follt o~ 1>11( lif,e. :JoH htllll.' 61oH~ht HS so Jnw:h
fo'f , Nlth I(OL<1 follt 0~ (i~l.', C:OH1tt~ , COI>t"JltiSSlon, tVI.f dt t' Cn ('
of, kn<'JVin~ 1i;7ht f,1o1n l'l'7<'n~. !!n •rou _1 ~otuu( ltot Oltf'f tl
dtll<~htt7, 6t<t t1 6t!:>t ~1iend. ;As 'f<'H Nttl th.: p.tth .f,M 'f"«
into tlte f,t<tt<U, Nt Nill Nttlk 1-l•ith '(Ot~. And ·hou{,( •rou ~.ttl,
{otJLn~ tiTI>tS l'l'L{{ C:tltc:h 'fOL<.
;All om /2otJI',
;'ltollt ' '?),,.(
(!on~ 1M tdtltionS Olt ~1tldt<Mitt;if
;\J,w li~l.' u.tll•r 6e~i11s. ;'lttt ·c the
1nost o~ it, t11td don't let <lltlfOitl.' o1
tlltl(thilt:J :Jf!t Lit I(OH1 l'l'<l'f·
A~t•tthin;; is 'f<'HH', ?t<St ~o •tf,u1
it. <l'f ;,,,( 6less 'f"H ill t~ll
thin:;s. 1/<'t< ha11t twlt'( 6a11 <I
6lt!lSilt~ to lttl!. _1 (,,lit I(OH.
/2otJe ;All'l'•l'fS,
Chnstina Oa ey 347