Page 560 - chs-1997
P. 560

Kate Kinard & Amy Little

                                                                                           .'>f  d  ar be t fnend I 1\0111  to thank
                                                                                          \Ott for l!ler\llwt  .  I could not hme
                                                                                          made it  tlus far  111  nn  lifi  IHthout  \Oil
    Am),                                                                                   You  ha1e alum  been there IHth  a
     There hme been  times 111  m1  life llhen
                                                                                           mile or a  lwulder.  God ha  ble   d
    no one 110111d ltsten,  or no one 110uld                                              me 1uth the b  1 fnend m the \\or/d.
    see  eractly how lllltch  sometlun                                                     I can  111/  remember snth  rade uhen
     meant to me.                                                                         11e m  1.  He), back then  Ill' 11ere  "the
      There "·ere those da\S  lhen the clouds                                              tuff'.  We  hme chan  ed a lot 01er
     co1·ered all,  the su11  \\ent awm and the                                           11111e  (thank  God), ami so has our
     rain dtdfall.  You came around and made
                                                                                          friends/up.  We  June become adults and
     me  lau~h. against 1111  \"ill,  I  remember                                         our fnendshi(•  has become more tha11
     them  sllll.                                                                         clas mates.  It  IS  one of those lifi ·long
      We did era:::)  thmgs ltk.e cru::.m' at                                              thm  s non.
     five,  "Is that a beehi1e  ?",Whoops                                                  It  1s  hard to belte1  that He are
     there \\ent ro1er,  "Um Am)  ts he 11)111~                                            g raduatm  .  I refit  e to accept tlus as an
     to pull me o~·er ?"                                                                   end.  After all we  sill/ hme  our pmk
      To me, you are e1erytlun~.  You  are                                                 chiffon dress  u ah lune green mm and
     great in  God's stght,  but most of all,                                              Time Square· 2000.  Oh \es, and I dare
     Am)  L)nne,  )OU are 111)  best friend!                                               not forget  the  ram)  nir;:/11  and the man
                                                                                           in a V1per or cndn' 011  a Stmdm at
          Kate                                                                             5 ·00.  Just for the record,  I dtd ;101  m1e
                                                                                           at that fine  J?U).
                                                                                            Well,  I k11ow  not uhatthe fit!ure holds
                                                                                           for 11  ,  burl pra\' that God \\til bles
                                                                                           your life 11ith  the happmess  \OU
                                                                                           I  /o1e  1011.
                                                                                              Your best friend,
                                                                                                Ann L\TIIIe
                                                                                           (Was that o~a· bell?)

                     If people like me didn't know people like you,  life would lose it  meaning and its
                             richness,  too.  For the friends that we make are life's gift of love.
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