Page 560 - chs-1997
P. 560
Kate Kinard & Amy Little
.'>f d ar be t fnend I 1\0111 to thank
\Ott for l!ler\llwt . I could not hme
made it tlus far 111 nn lifi IHthout \Oil
Am), You ha1e alum been there IHth a
There hme been times 111 m1 life llhen
mile or a lwulder. God ha ble d
no one 110111d ltsten, or no one 110uld me 1uth the b 1 fnend m the \\or/d.
see eractly how lllltch sometlun I can 111/ remember snth rade uhen
meant to me. 11e m 1. He), back then Ill' 11ere "the
There "·ere those da\S lhen the clouds tuff'. We hme chan ed a lot 01er
co1·ered all, the su11 \\ent awm and the 11111e (thank God), ami so has our
rain dtdfall. You came around and made
friends/up. We June become adults and
me lau~h. against 1111 \"ill, I remember our fnendshi(• has become more tha11
them sllll. clas mates. It IS one of those lifi ·long
We did era:::) thmgs ltk.e cru::.m' at thm s non.
five, "Is that a beehi1e ?",Whoops It 1s hard to belte1 that He are
there \\ent ro1er, "Um Am) ts he 11)111~ g raduatm . I refit e to accept tlus as an
to pull me o~·er ?" end. After all we sill/ hme our pmk
To me, you are e1erytlun~. You are chiffon dress u ah lune green mm and
great in God's stght, but most of all, Time Square· 2000. Oh \es, and I dare
Am) L)nne, )OU are 111) best friend! not forget the ram) nir;:/11 and the man
in a V1per or cndn' 011 a Stmdm at
Kate 5 ·00. Just for the record, I dtd ;101 m1e
at that fine J?U).
Well, I k11ow not uhatthe fit!ure holds
for 11 , burl pra\' that God \\til bles
your life 11ith the happmess \OU
I /o1e 1011.
Your best friend,
(Was that o~a· bell?)
If people like me didn't know people like you, life would lose it meaning and its
richness, too. For the friends that we make are life's gift of love.