Page 564 - chs-1997
P. 564
Apri[ Re-ne-e-' k-inne-r
tt do n 't oom po tb(e. that
m~ bab~ " a nwr l-n J-hgh
h.ooL 1.t oom h e. y teniay
~ou. were. a mall cfuUi. lJou. hav
6rou.qht o much JOY l-nto my hJe,
o much happ'-ne .
lJou. have m~ me o Erou.d
a a parent and. a mother, l, am
o (uck.y to have a d.a'f'9hter (ike.
you.. l, Wl-U aLway ch n h th
m mod. s l, have o J our li.J e.
tog ther, you. hav g'-ven me o
much Lov a.nd. (a.u.ght r. J u. t
remember you. wil( a.lwa.y be my
1, LOV ~~!
l, can rememb r th J n t tl-me
l, met you., a (l.tli.e hu.b6y g'-r( l.n gr~. Vve gotten t:o watch
you. through th year
i.nto a. beaut" J u.( young lad.y, J uH
of hfe and. ready to conquer the
WorU!. Babe, don't (o e. "9ht of
~our Dream a.nd. now th~t t
6dt.eve t.n you. and. k-now that
you. 'U exceed i.n aU that you. do.
Lov ,