Page 562 - chs-1997
P. 562
Meli a Pierce
ct. 12, 1979
Mv un hine
1r CfrfLlinlv d~..,t·:;n'r 'ccm rhLTr ir hl1:. bc·cn
't1ltllfffll vedr_, _,fnct' we wac· ~.ut.\i~..,u:-1!' ~.lWdirin~,
t~.JUr tlrriVLll. ltlt· lli~.ln'r Allc"Jil' which fl1L1llhi c1fllt'
r fr,r VL111 LV }furri llllt' Dl1vid.
1 :.pem hl.,ur:; hD!dinu !'~.m ::.inuin!'· ~!{.111
are mv mv ~.mlv ::.uthhint".~ 1 didn'r rhin/.. 1
c~.mld be 1.111_ nr.1rt' prl)zJt/LJ( rlti' lirrle bundle· <-1(J1v
rhc C~.1rd had !iivm me.
Tht .;r~.vm' ~.1( fir~· c~.mrc· bur v~.Ju wat' alwt1tr::o
rhae · a rmr M liuhr - brill(tinu hclf'f'lne.'.'· j~.1 .
warmrh. and !~.we fLJ nhlAt' c"'llr h~.1me h,l/'!'ia l1thl
bri(ihra. 1~m dt'Ttnirfit' ,zre mv ,zm.-hillt'.
1 :;~.1 rht1n/..rilf rh~.u rite· Clvd hLT.' tJiVt'll
mt' rhe ~.1pp~.nrunitv ~.1( 't't'in, t'~.Ju rurn inr~.1 ~.1
bc'llllfiTilf. ::.Wt'l!t v .. .,Uil!t lddv thllt ll!H' !'tlrc'llt w~.mll
be /'hJUd o( 1 thaliA Ct)J (or fL1 h ·'/Jt' idl nh1n/t'll{
we hL1vt .;hart·d. ju::.t the nv M. u::o. the· /'ll::ot t~·w
V.m haVt' Jone urt'LU ill 'ch~.1vl. and [m ,,llrt'
VDU will continue· ro cl hieve t'Ven trc:drer
O~.·m't t~JUtff tcJ continue ru . hare· vour
hope·. and con ern' wirh me .
. Ktc:t' rru tinu in ]f.,u::o. /..eep rh,u be~.wrttitl
mile. and keq' blowilltt rh~.u horn
"rVc'rc 11rcmd o(tft1ll
}{omecomlntJ "96 ..
Little Si,rat
556 Melissa P1erce