Page 166 - chs-1998
P. 166
A h'~t.;t~' ~"11'11'/ffh'"'JT /P p&A~ #; Th~'
l/tfr.t/{y) ~ /P .111~~1'.1./ frl'ltjth/ Thl' :71/
frt1/11 #,;td#'l'r for t11tWJ,JHJ,JI.I~'t1.1"';
eady or anybody
"It 1 a ;ear round chool bu '>es could not lO\\ the team d(m n.
port!" aid Lynsee The could JUmp off the hus and put arch fot.:
hampion mu t \\Orli: hard! Getting up
m the ir t e practi e. Fl) in~ a fu Lord Lord knO\\ that U\\:.mnee away \\ith little or no effort.
t l'le job for girl on the front line tkld practicing and attend- Attending camp at The ni,er ity ofl·lorida
n th take a tum in the ir a her mg camp are the ecret and lorida tate ni\ er it; '"as a great tart for
te .. ""tate c II encouragement. J..:i!
to the Tiger'" many the team. ettmg training in defensi\e and offcn-
hard fought '1ctone si\ e trateg; 1.., omething ne\\ for the Tiger . It is
The team hm-.hed the thl"> training and good coaching that has mm ed the
e a on '"it h a 14-3 team out of the lo..,er hracket where the Tiger
record and ba. ked m the glow of the \\eet 1xteen langui bed for man; years. Even though it \\as
tmal place ol the 'ar It} girl . It \\a'> the \ar It} oach Angie Johnson' fir t coaching joh e\ er,
who in pi red the e young tiger cub-. to "tep up and he \hl"> ahle to take the Tiger team to it's hest
pla; their be t ·· olleyball 1 a time of joining ea. on he al\\ a; knew how to communicate
together to share . kill , ocmhze and communi- and m-.ptrt.: the team. The game against GH \\a
cate a a team, .. Lord continued. 11 the player reall; a challenge to the
on the team a\\ a g d amount of pla; ing time team even though it
enabling them to begin the preparation for mo\ ing was a d1 appointing
to the 'ar It}. The mo t exciting game of the loss. The team looks
ea on \\a the champion hip game in the Manda- forward to playing one
nn tournament when the team t ok the second of Gaine..,,ille' top
place title. The team rejoiced in the victor;! team anta Fe \\as a
Tra eling on the ometime smell and bumpy challenge but the Ti-
pmtwh nthete m"ould
gers were able to tame
get down he wa blc to
.B~t/1~, Jq, J}lhl the pe k; Ratders. combm h erleadmg and
\\ rming up before th gam , th girl do drill to get Beating Dixie \Olleyball "lth no prob-
read)' forth rumbl ! \fter recO\ering a ne from her lem.
teammate. arragan ett mith pike the ball O\er th net. Count was also da
tepham Duren ~atch intentl\ Sh J..no10 it i her turn n t. bomb.
hli!mQ :f't7/"i!l'i!/"
Kelly Wil on and Kim oue give plenty of
advice to Lind ey Lord after Di trict. . Lind e)'
moved up to ar ity at the end of the ea on.
162 JV Volleyball