Page 170 - chs-1998
P. 170

rui. ing to anoth  r
                                                                                                   \ictory,  'oah
                                                                                                   John ·on b  gins his
                    oss Country                                                                    thre  mile run. The
                                                                                                   Tig  rs com  out on
                                                                                                   top of Oak Hall.

             on the Run

          With a new c  ach.  tephen  mithy . the
        Tiger runner  ha  e  n        f their b  t  ea  n

        Tht.:  ro                             e  r  'ictorie  \\ tth an
       am  zing  ea on. Both team  got off to a great  t  rt. \\ ith  home mt.:et again  t
       Oak Hall. The top runner  \\ere Jame  John-.on, and  alerie Jone  . \\ho lead
       the girl  . "I leamt:d a lot from Cro  Count!) thi  )e  r. to me it'  like life;
       \\ hile running there  re  time  ) ou  \\  nt  to quit. but ) ou continue to pu  h
       )OUr  elf tore  ch )OUr goal,''  aid Jame  John  on.
        Each member of the team ha  et a per  on a)  record, and  tri' e  to bettt:r
       their time\\ 'th  \ t.:f)  ra~.:e. The te  m ha  p  rticipated in' ariou   e  . \\ ith
       the mo  t ch  llenging b  ine held  t the  ni\er it)  of Florida Golf  our e.
       When  k.edab  uttht  meet Co  <.:h   1  th)  r  plied, "Ifan) )oungathletei
       a. p1ring to run m colleee, thi  wa  dt  n td) tht: ra<.:e to pro\e) our integrit.
       to all college re~.:ruiter  ."
        The Cro  Countf)  tt.:  m worked h  rd and rc'J  t:  t'lted CH  \\Cil durin
       Di  tri  t  on  '0\ember 9,  at  Lakt:  ~tar)'  Hi_   c  ,  l   0  ..  do.  Top
       runner  were Robert Phtllip  nd Valerie Jone   to both fini  hed in the top
       20% of all runner  . Columbia ho  ted the Regional Final  on • ' 0\ t.:mbt.:r  15.
        HO\\ e\ er. the bo. '  ra<.:e w a  n  t e  ad!) three milt:  . \\hen the le  d runner
       cut the 200 meter  off the cour e, \\ hile the other  foliO\\ ed, it cau  ed th  ir
        final time  to b  incorrect. Thi  thre\\  the coache  and parent  off and\\ a
        a   urce of  ontro\er y.
         'The te  m ha  really  pulled together, e\ eryone ha  di  pia) ed their 0\\ n
        talent  while  repre  enting  Columbia  Hi!!h,  with  pride  and  pirit,"  aid
        Tiffany • 'orton.
        Cro..,  Country i  a great  port ~  r anyone \\ ho lo  e  running.  a  h runner
        mu  t  have  dedication.  mott\atton,  and  he  rt.  Without  heart,  pride.  and
        commitment gh en from each member there would b  no  ro   ountf) .
        Fir t year co  h  tephen  mithcy \\a  a definite a  et to the tt.:  m •  u  e  .

                                                                            Run, Robert, Run
                                                                            Robert Gray 1s  on the   improvement  over the
                                                                            run  for Columbia, but an   past two years," says
                                                                            Oak Hall runner is not far  teammate Robert
                                                                            behind. "Robert has    Phillips.
                                                                            shown a lot of heart and
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