Page 164 - chs-1998
P. 164
r ing •t up r· ght
Can you dig it ?
ew c ach and new play bring added depth
t the Lady Tiger Var ity V lleyball t am
Th1 ea on ha. provided a whole new look to the Lady Tiger'
Volle} ball team. The umm r brought a trip to lorida tate tor
a re ord number of 36 matche m a camp pon ored by the
Lad} eminole team. Learning new pia}..., and gettmg to know
what team\'. ork really mean m p1red a team that had no\'. here
to go but up. Coming off orne d1 mal year-;. th1 group brought
a ne\'. tandard of excellence to the worn n · port of H
\t th ason' end the Lad) Ti~er \Oil )ball t am fa ed
Di tricts ~ith a 3-2 r cord in di trict match-up . The team had a ~innin~
r ord for the firsttime in the hi tO f) of 'H ' \Oil e) ball. The girl '' ent thr
gam ~ith Orang Park. b atin~ them in the fir t t. Th Lad) Raiders
cam back trong in the Ia t h\O et d feating th Tigers. The 'fig r al o
pla)ed in the 'anta f e tournam nt. but ha\in~ a tough lin up, undefeated
Gain \iUe High and eHntual tate champion Oak Hall the) cam up hort
b) onl)' ~inning a match again t B II. Th Lad) Tig rs ''ent on to re ord
tandard b) b ating Lincoln. andah,ood, anta Fe. and Di ie Count).
Th aints meant th Tiger ~ere going to the Di trict Final • for the first
time e\er. AI o comp ting for th Di trict title \\ere the Orange Park
Raider . The Lad) Tigers had onl) b at the Raiders in on game thi
a on. In the end the Ti~ rs cam out on top, Di. trict Champ . Then
~eek began Regional • and ~e' ere ho ting. The fir t gam ~a'> again t
Pen a ola Tat . Th Tigers \\On the first game 17-15. At th end ofth
cond game th Tig n. came out on top again l ~ -11. o~ the) ~ere off to
th cond round of Regional • and th n t face off ~a 0\eida. Th Lad)
Tigers came out trong, but hort lo ing the fir t h\O matche .
Thi i as far a the Lad) Tig r Voll )ball T am ha e\ r gon during
tournament pia). The Lad)' Tiger had a record tting '>ea on. 700d Luck
to next )ear' Tiger .
r a
Belor the rr were matched up
Front ro"' ,l:liC:eling, I tor: asey Kmg. Lyn y Brett, 0 nctGame group hug and nstOrange
tandmg. I tor Holly Hale, Term u m, tn leton Dana Best Casey prayer The g.rls Pa The T.gers
Br Sarah w tonto at won and went on
Carnco Holly St August ne nd to RegJOMis
advanced to
Hale Lynsee
S n r Kelly second round
160 Varsity Volleyball