Page 173 - chs-1998
P. 173

Nice Header, Adam   How it all ended

                                                                                                     Stride, Thomas!

                                                               Setting Goals for Victory in  a
                               S chedule
                                12 2 B shop Kenney          Game full of Risks
                                12·9 Clay
                                12-13 Orange Park
               "It  ma  es  me  feel   12-16 Bolles
               proud to be a captatn   12-17 Taylor County
               of a team who takes
               such  pnde  m  what   1-6 Gainesville          Th1s  1s  Coach
               thetr  domg  Playmg   1-8 Middleburg          W dergren's second           he Ti!!er  are tearing through the
               wtth  a  heart  and   1-9 Bishop Kenney                                     ea  on  and  opponent  .  The)
               showmg  what  true   1-16 Terry Parker        year as the Vars1ty          ha-.e competed in fifteen game  .
               pride  IS  •   Senter   1-20 Lincoln          Boy's soccer coach           including t\\o tournament  . The
               Captain  Marcus   1-28 Episcopal              He moved from
               Gets er                                       coachmg the g1rls m          fir  t \\a the Middleburg Bronco
                                 1-30 Sandalwood                                           Ia  ic.  The  team  pia) ed  'ef)
                                 2·3 Ga1nesv1lle             1996. Kyle Sauls
                                 2-6 Orange Park     spea· s h1ghly of Coach              ''ell,  but  did  not  manage  the
                                 2·9 Santa Fe       W1dergren,  He has been the best      tina! and fini  hed  econd. They
                                 2-13 Lincoln       coach I have had at C.H.S. He         \\ere read\  for the  ne  t tourna-
                                 2-17 Bucholz       has been an msptrat1on to all the     ment.  They  again  advanced  to
                Bemg  a Semor  11 s   2-19 Clay                                           the final to pia) Pa  co. Thi  time
                my last chance to be                players.· Coach Wtdergren hopes       the outcome \\a'> different. the)
                part  of  somethmg   2·21  Eastside   to cont1nue w1th  the boys for many   \\ ent in and took charge. Captain
                special.  It  s  a   2·28-3-3 D1stnct                                      1arcu  Gei  ler  aid  in  pre-
                pnv, edge  to  be  a
               captam  on  such  a                                                        game.  "  ur  goal  i  to  throttle
                spectal  team •  Se-                                                      them  and  bnng  the  troph)
                n~ or   .:ptam  Ben                                                       home."   eedle   to  a\.  the
                r  .-m                                                                    pla)er  took.  It  to  heart: The)
                                                                                          beat Pa  o , -0. The tournament
                                                                                          \\U  \\On!  The\  al  o  had  three
                                                                                          pia) er  named 'to the all tourna-
                                                                                          ment  team. The  e  pia) er  ''ere
                                                                                           dam  erducci.  Tre-. or T) ler.
                                                                                          andTra\i-,Lemle\\\hO\\a. al  o
                                                                                          tournament  1\'P.
                               Teamates & Coaches  Kneeling 1-r: Sudhrr Bhas  ar, Enc      In di  trict pia)  the Tiger  h.n e
                                                  Stevens, Landon W1lliams,  Kyle         not  been  ;,o  dominant.   gain  t
                               Sauls, Nathan1el Watson,Travrs Lemley, Kyle Lussrer, Justm   ;,tate  pO\\Cr  hou  e  Lin  ol'O  and
                               Crews and Todd Luss1er. Standmg 1-r: Bobby Brewrn, Trevor   range  Park  the\  are  0-1-1.
                               Tyler, Johnathan Lawrence, Bryan Rtgdon, Adam Verducct,    The\ ha\ e a go  dO\ erall record
                               Jeff Graham, Ben Odom, Thomas Crews, Marcus Getsler,
                               Charlie Payne, Josh Hentzleman, Coach Josh Watson, and     of I i -2-2. Th~e Tiger  had a great
                                                                                                    Bv Tra\ i  Len~le\
                               Coach Todd Wtdergren.                                       ea  on.   -            -
                                                                                               Varsity Boys Soccer 169
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