Page 177 - chs-1998
P. 177



                                                 ing Their H  ADS in Setting

                                                      GOALS for Victory

                                         The grueling day  of conditioning were O\  r, the team  were picked, and it
                                      wa.  time to kick off the J.V. Soccer  ea  on.
                                         Th  ea  on began at Bi  hop K  nny on Decemb  r 2. HO\\e\er, the boy  were
                                      defeated. Eager to play another game, the t  am practiced day after day. Due
                                      to rainy days and  cheduling conflicts the boy  weren't able to impro\e upon
                                      th  ir r  cord for O\er a month. While the \  ar.·ity  team had played ten or  o
                                      game  the J.V. team r  mained 0-1. To  ay  th  lea  t, it \\a  a HQ fru  trating
                                      time for the j.V. team.  II  thi.  practice for nothing!
                                          fter a month and eight day  of not playing th  y gottheir chance on January
                                      8, and all of the practic  paid off! They defeat  d  a  t  ide 3-0 in the fir  t round
                                      of their O\\n tournament. Then they \\ent on to beat Ocala 1-0 to r  ach the
                                      final  again  t  aine  \ill  High  chool,  wher  they  were  beaten.  Howe\er,
                                      con  id  ring they had only on  game of e  perience, it wa  a pretty impre  he
                                      turnout! Th  y \\ere now 2-2.
                                        Their next h\O game  \\ere not a  go  d, tying TerQ Parker and lo  ing to
                                      Lincoln.  Their next game  \\a  at home  again  t  Ea  t  ide,  who  wa  out for
                                      reHnge, but they didn't get it a  th  j.V. beat them 3-0 again. Then th  } \\ere
                                      on the road to Epi  copal, and the}  beat them 2-0. Their r  cord \\a  then .t-3-
                                      1, and they  till haH many game  to go .
                                         .\lthough they got off to a  hak}  tart, and \\ere di  rupt  d by a month of no
                                      gam  , their team finall}  got it  together, and  played  like a  t  am. With th
                                      defen  e'  man}  hut-out , and the offen  e'  continu  d  coring the  ea  on got
                                      better and better!
                                                   -Patrick Dougla
                           hi  move
                           Travis        Date           Opponent                 The Coach
                           warms up                                       This  is  Coach  Jason
                           before the     12-2            Bishop Kenney   Bryant's  second  year  coach-
                           Bishop         1-8             Eastside
                           Kenny          1-9             Bishop Kenney   Ing  the  Jun1or  Varsity  Boy's
                           game.          1-16            Terry Parker   Soccer  Team.  Coach  Bryant
                           Travis         1-20            Lincoln       played soccer 1n the A1r Force
                           feels that     1-28            Episcopal
                           warmmg         1-30            Sandalwood    for  four  years.  He  has  really
                           up1sa          2-3             Gainesvi  e   brought  the J. V.  Soccer team
                           necess1ty      2-9             Santa Fe      to a new level.  "Coach Bryant
                           before any     2-13           Lincoln        1s very motivational to the soc-
                           game.          2-17           Bucholz
                                                                        cer team and wants us to have
                                                                        the  most  successful  season
                                                                        we  can  have,"  says  Patnck

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